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Simplified search suggestions : Robe ah Yusuf
The influence of learner's motivation and attitutes on foreign language learning among Malaysian students in UPSI
Robe'ah Yusuf
Leaner's motivation and attitudes have great impact on the foreign language learning. The objective of this study was to determine the motivation and attitudes of the students towards learning foreign languages among Malaysian students in Sultan Idris Education University (UPSI). This study measured the attitudes through the motivation of students on the basis of Gardner's SocioEducational Model (1985). In order to reveal the co-relation between motivation and attitudes of language learners and the foreign language learning, the study designs a set of questionnaire to investigate the student's learning attitude and motivation towards learning process of all the three languages involved (Spanish, German and Japanese). A total of 90 respondents involved in this study comprising of 30 Spanish, 30 German and 30 Japanese language students. Through discussion of the survey, the respondents have showed positive attitudes and motivation towards learning process of all the three languages. The .....

459 hits

Cultural values in \"Das Schenkenbuch\" by Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe and its relationship to the Malay world and Islam
Robe’ah Yusuf
This study aims to identify cultural values present in ?Das Schenkenbuch? by Johann Wolfgang vonGoethe. This study uses qualitative analysisthrough text analysis approach. Data for this studyis focused on cultural values where it is obtainedthrough reading, recording and scoring techniques.Data validity was obtained through an appointedintrarater. The results reveal that there are fewcultural values conveyed by Goethe in this poemwhich resonates with 7 cultural elements proposedby Edmund Anderson (1996). Among the elementsthat were discovered in the poem are values onreligion and belief, confidence, value of humanpractice and the knowledge system is also found inthe Malay culture, including the development ofhuman knowledge and community practices. Thereis no doubt that this poem also contains artisticvalue that is so subtle and distinctive ? 2021, Global Journal Al-Thaqafah. All Rights Reserved...

292 hits

Perilaku membisu pekerja Melayu dalam organisasi Jerman di Malaysia
Robe\'ah Yusuf
Isu perilaku membisu dalam organisasi penting untuk dikaji kerana memberi kesan kepada aspek teoritikal dan praktikal kepada pihak pengurusan organisasi khususnya organisasi multinasional. Memandangkan isu ini masih kurang diberi perhatian di Malaysia, maka kajian ini memberi fokus kepada perilaku membisu dalam kalangan pekerja Melayu dalam organisasi Jerman yang beroperasi di Malaysia. Justeru, objektif kajian ini adalah untuk mengenal pasti pengaruh iklim komunikasi, tarikan penampilan dan jenis personaliti (ekstrovert-introvert) terhadap perilaku membisu serta mengenal pasti faktor demografi seperti tempoh perkhidmatan dan kemahiran bahasa sebagai penyederhana (moderator) dalam mempengaruhi hubungan antara personaliti (ekstrovert-introvert), iklim komunikasi, tarikan penampilan terhadap perilaku membisu sebagai pemboleh ubah terikat. Kaedah kuantitatif digunakan untuk mengumpul data dengan pengedaran borang soal selidik kepada 360 orang pekerja Melayu di empat sektor uta.....

145 hits

Using jigsaw in teaching reading comprehension acrossdifferent personalityand psychology awareness
Robe’ah Yusuf
In order to teach reading, one must teach all of the components of language (hearing, speaking and writing) as well as reading. As soon as they've mastered listening and speaking, reading is usually provided. We wanted to see whether or not there was a correlation between personality and the jigsaw's ability to improve reading comprehension, as well as whether or not it had an influence on an extrovert and an introvert's performance. before administering jigsaw or conventional therapy to the experimental group, the researcher administers a questionnaire on personality to the students. The study was conducted at a university with 55 eleventh-grade students, with 30 students in the experimental group being 20 percent extroverts and 10 percent introverts, and 25 students in the control group being 15 percent extroverts and 10 percent introverts. As a way of tasting the strength of a hypothesis's association with several variables, the researcher used an experimental factorial design. The .....

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