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Simplified search suggestions : Rusliza Yahaya |
1 | 2007 monograph | Burnout dan kepuasan kerja di kalangan kakitangan akademik Yahaya Rusliza, Samsudin Norsamsinar, Menjamin kualiti perkhidmatan dalam sektor pendidikan pada abad ke-21 merupakan suatu cabaran dalam usaha menjadikan Malaysia sebagai pusat kecemerlangan pendidikan serantau. Bagi merealisasikan hasrat ini, ianya memerlukan tenaga pendidik lelaki mahupun wanita yang berkualiti. Tahap burnout dan kepuasan kerja akan mempengaruhi tahap produkviti dan kualiti kerja seseorang tenaga pendidik, Tujuan utama kajian ini adalah untuk mengenalpasti tahap burnout, faktor peramal burnout, kaedah menangani burnout, tahap kepuasan kerja dan hubungan an tara tahap burnout dan kepuasan kerja dalam kalangan kakitangan akademik di Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI). Instrumen Maslach Burnout Inventory-Educators Survey (MBI-ES) digunakan bagi mengukur tahap burnout, manakala Job Descriptive Index (JDI) pula digunakan untuk mengukur tahap kepuasan kerja. Terdapat tiga aspek dalam MBI-ES iaitu keletihan emosi, dipersonalisasi dan pencapaian peribadi bagi mengukur tahap burnout. Manakala, terdapat la..... 2172 hits |
2 | 2016 article | Differences in the consumer literacy of the nutrition label across demographic factors Ramdan Mohamad Rohieszan, Zainol Zuraidah, Osman Juliana, Yahaya Rusliza, The worsening obesity problem in Malaysia has urged various efforts from various parties to address them. The effective use of the nutrition labels is widely accepted and used as one of the efficient measures to address obesity. However, previous studies on the literacy of the nutrition label, especially among Malaysian consumers are still limited. Therefore, this study was conducted to assess the differences in consumers’ literacy of the nutrition label by demographic factors, such as gender, age, education level, income level and ethnicity. This study adopted survey technique and employed a quantitative approach. The sample consisted of 200 respondents, which were selected using random cluster sampling. Data collected were analyzed using Independent Sample T-Test and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The results showed that the literacy of the nutrition label varies significantly by gender and ethnicity, but the difference was not significant by age, education level and income level. S..... 3342 hits |
3 | 2016 article | Ethical attitudes of accounting and business students : Malaysian evidence Yahaya Rusliza, Zainol Zuraidah, Ahamad Rapani Norhanani, Mat Norwani Norlia, Samsudin Norsamsinar, Mat Jizat Jessnor Elmy, Ethical crises in business have gained more attention from public and have led many to question the effectiveness of ethics education in university. Therefore, this study was designed to investigate the ethical attitudes of accounting and business students, their willingness to become whistleblowers, and the impact of ethics education on students’ ethical attitude. A total of 275 usable questionnaires that consists of four ethical scenarios were analysed. The findings of the study show that a small percentage of accounting and business students are willing to involve in unethical behaviour. About 10.9% of students were categorized as unethical as they would cheat in an examination and that only 1% of the students would accept bribes to defraud the tax office. Once an element of risk of being caught was introduced, the percentage of students willing to cheat in an examination and those willing to defraud the tax office decrease to 4.8% and 0.7% respectively. The finding also shows tha..... 2041 hits |
4 | 2016 article | Students readiness, motivation and attitude towards entrepreneurship Samsudin Norsamsinar, Ab Jalil Norasibah, Ab Wahid Hariyaty, Yahaya Rusliza, Mat Jizat Jessnor Elmy, This study aims to identify factors that affect the readiness of the university students to get involved in entrepreneurship. This study was conducted at one of the public universities in Malaysia. 150 of final year students were involved in this survey study. The level of students’ readiness, their motivation level and attitude towards entrepreneurship were measured. The results of the analysis revealed that students had a moderate level of readiness to start a business. Their motivation level and attitude to become an entrepreneur also at the moderate level. The finding also showed a significant positive correlation between motivation level, attitude, and readiness to participate in entrepreneurship... 1651 hits |
5 | 2017 article | Does corporate diversification induce financing choice? Wan Daud Wan Mohd Nazri, Yahaya Rusliza, Mat Norwani Norlia, Md Nawi Farah Amalina, 2311 hits |
6 | 2017 article | Student engagement towards HEIs: relationship marketing perspective Zainol Zuraidah, Yahaya Rusliza, Osman Juliana, Mohamed Monizaihasra, 1972 hits |
7 | 2017 article | Measuring the effectiveness of augmented reality as a pedagogical strategy in enhancing student learning and motivation Mat-jizat Jessnor Elmy, Jaafar Hartini, Yahaya Rusliza, 954 hits |
8 | 2019 article | Application of the Tayyib concept among Malaysian Muslim consumers Rusliza Yahaya Purpose
This study aims to determine the eect of health knowledge on nutrition-label use and attitude, and consequently on healthy food choice among Malaysian Muslim consumers.
This study adopts the positivist, deductive and quantitative approach. A sample consisting of 257 Muslim consumers, at least 15 years old, were selected using systematic street-intercept sampling method. Data collected using a self-administered questionnaire were analysed using descriptive statistics and structural equation modelling (SEM).
The ndings reveal the signicant positive eect of health knowledge on nutrition-label use and attitude towards nutrition label, but only attitude towards nutrition label signicantly predicts healthy food choice.
Research limitations/implications
Though the ndings add to the existing literature, provide useful information on how nutrition label could guide the consumer to make healthier food choices and serve as a reference point th..... 816 hits |
9 | 2019 article | The effect of financial knowledge and financial attitudes on financial behavior among university students Rusliza Yahaya This study aims to examine financial literacy among university students in Malaysia. Specifically, this study attempts to examine the relationship between financial knowledge and financial attitudes, and also the effects of these variables on financial behavior among university students. Data was gathered from a sample of 370 university students through the survey method. The data was analysed using simple linear regression and multiple regression analysis. The findings reveal that the respondents have moderate level of financial knowledge. Respondents who took Financial Management course have higher level of financial knowledge compared to those who did not take any Financial Management course. Financial knowledge significantly influenced financial attitudes, and financial attitudes significantly influenced financial behavior. On the other hand, financial knowledge does not have any significant influence on financial behavior. This study enriched the literature by identifying factors ..... 795 hits |
10 | 2018 research_report | The effect of financial knowledge and financial attitudes on financial behaviour among university students Rusliza Yahaya This study aims to examine financial literacy among university students in Malaysia.
Specifically, this study attempts to examine the relationship between financial knowledge and
financial attitudes, and also the effects of these variables on financial behaviour among
university students. Data was gathered from a sample of 370 university students through the
survey method. To test the hypotheses of the study, the data was analysed using simple linear
regression and multiple regression analysis. The findings reveal that financial knowledge
significantly influenced financial attitudes, and financial attitudes significantly influenced
financial behavior. On the other hand, financial knowledge does not have any significant
influence on financial behavior. This study enriched the literature by identifying factors that
influenced financial behaviour and provided suggestions to be practiced by universities in
developing good financial attitude and financial behaviour of students... 427 hits |
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