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Total records found : 16 |
Simplified search suggestions : S M Shafie |
1 | 2008 thesis | Pemahaman guru seni sekolah rendah terhadap terapi seni dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran pendidikan seni visual Rozman Shafie The purpose of this research was to identify the understanding of art therapy among primary school teachers in teaching and learning process in visual art education. 104 respondents from 17 primary schools in 6 different zones were selected. This research employed descriptive quantitative research methodology. Five major aspects have been identified namely: demography, knowledge, awareness, competency and attitude to understand better respondents understanding of art therapy in the teaching and learning process of visual art education. The data were analysed using descriptive statistics, Independent-samples T-test, One-way ANOVA and Pearson Correlations. The findings of this study revealed that the knowledge of respondents in relation to art therapy was low in comparison to their awareness. Their competencies were also high although their knowledge was inadequate. This study found that that respondents attitude were positive towards art therapy. The researcher suggested that art therap..... 1312 hits |
2 | 2006 monograph | Pembangunan pangkalan data ruangan bagi pengurusan dan pengawalan penyakit demam denggi dan demam denggi berdarah Shafie Aziz, Demam Denggi (DD) dan DDB (DDB) merupakan antara penyakit berjangkit yang terus mendatangkan ancaman kepada tahap kesihatan awam di negara ini Walaupun pelbagai usaha pencegahan dan pengawalan telah dilaksanakan oleh pihak berkuasa kesihatan, kejadian kes penyakit DO dan DDS sejak kebelakangan ini dilaporkan semakin bertambah. Kejadian kes DO dan DDB disebabkan olen pelbagai faktor fizikal, alam sekitar, sosioekonomi, demografi dan juga perundangan dan kesemua faktor ini berbeza-beza antara satu kawasan dengan kawasan yang lain dan juga sering berubah-ubah mengikut masa. Berdasarkan kepada amalan semasa, aktiviti pencegahan dan pengawalan penyakit akan dijalankan apabila bertakunya kejadian kes penyakit. Semasa ketiadaan kes penyakit, aktiviti pencegahan dan pengawalan penyakit bergantung kepada petunjuk kepadatan nyamuk. Petunjuk kepadatan nyamuk memertukan data, peralatan, masa dan tenaga kerja yang banyak. Kajian ini telah menggunakan elemen gunatanah sebagai asas untuk membina pang..... 1052 hits |
3 | 2017 article | A posteriori error estimation of H1 mixed finite element method for the Benjamin-Bona-Mahony equation Sabarina Shafie Error estimations of H1 mixed finite element method for the Benjamin-Bona-Mahony equation are considered. The problem is reformulated into a system of first order partial differential equations, which allows an approximation of the unknown function and its derivative. Local parabolic error estimates are introduced to approximate the true errors from the computed solutions; the so-called a posteriori error estimates. Numerical experiments show that the a posteriori error estimates converge to the true errors of the problem... 919 hits |
4 | 2016 thesis | Mixed finite element methods for nonlinear equations: a priori and a posteriori error estimates Sabarina Shafie A priori error estimation provides information about the asymptotic behavior of the approximate solution and information on convergence rates of the problem. Contrarily, a posteriori error estimation derives the estimation of the exact error by employing the approximate solution and provides a practical accurate error estimation. Additionally, a posteriori error estimates can be used to steer adaptive schemes, that is to decide the refinement processes, namely local mesh refinement or local order refinement schemes. Adaptive schemes of finite element methods for numerical solutions of partial differential equations are considered standard tools in science and engineering to achieve better accuracy with minimum degrees of freedom. In this thesis, we focus on a posteriori error estimations of mixed finite element methods for nonlinear time dependent partial differential equations. Mixed finite element methods are methods which are based on mixed formulations of the problem. In a mixed fo..... 918 hits |
5 | 2019 article | The concepts of Taabudi and Maqulatul Al-Makna and its implementation in the Islamic finance and halal industries: An analysis based on Shafie school of law`s methodology Mohd Yahya Mohd Hussin Ta?abbudi and Ma?qulatul al-Ma?na are two topics of discussion among Usul al-Fiqh scholars pertaining to Qiyas chapter and it is utmost vital in the process of developing and forming the Shariah law. Looking at the current development of Islamic Law and the need to research on the processes of how the Shariah law (hukm) is formed, this study is done. With a concrete understanding of the Ta’abudi and Ma’qulatul al-Ma’na concepts along with both of its application will definitely assist those who are involve in deducing the law; Law which conforms to the existing methodology and accurate “instibat” law practices. Without a clear understanding of the two concepts, it is feared that the law will not meet the Syarak requirements and methodology that have been set by Islamic scholars especially from Shafie School of law.Utilizing entirely the library research method, this study tried to analyze these two concepts by looking at its meaning and understanding, as well as its applicati..... 944 hits |
6 | 2020 article | Biogas fed-fuel cell based electricity generation: a life cycle assessment approach S. M. Shafie The world is currently facing a scarcity of energy resources in the electricity generation sector. The current pattern of electricity generation has brought harm to the environment. Fuel cell provides a huge potential in reducing the negative environmental impacts. Malaysia as a tropical country has abundant sources of biogas production that can be fed into the fuel to produce electricity and water. The paper aimed to identify the environmental impact towards the consumption of biogas feeding into fuel cells for electricity generation. The result showed that in this modelling of system boundary, the greenhouse gas emissions were high due to large contributions from the transportation and storage processes. Hopefully, the outcome from this study could help future researchers or stakeholders in making decisions to design fuel cells for electricity generation with minimum environmental impact contribution... 819 hits |
7 | 2021 article | Improving questionnaire reliability using construct reliability for researches in educational technology Mohd Shafie Rosli This paper is exploring on maneuver to improve research instrument reliability in scientific research related to Educational Technology by analyzing the traditional Cronbach?s alpha reliability using SPSS software and the newer statistical tool, AMOS using Construct Reliability (CR) approach. Two sets of data were used as sample to perform the comparison. The first set of data is from a research involving Technology Enhanced Learning Environment. The second data are sampled from research in digital competency. Finding from this paper concluded that, conventional approach of using Cronbach?s alpha have lower reliability than the newer approach of using CR. Using Cronbach?s alpha show tendency toward measuring consistency instead of reliability. CR offer better definition of reliability and give a robust measurement of reliability in research. This paper had shed light into offering alternative approach to the commonly and widely uses of research reliability especially when it involves q..... 908 hits |
8 | 2021 article | Fashion sustainability: benefits of using sustainable practices in producing sustainable fashion designs Sharifah Shafie The fashion industry is one of the main contributors to the world’s largest pollution. It is due to the tons of water usage producing excess carbon dioxide gas, excessive use of energy to produce clothing, and non-renewable sources for fibre, fibre, and environmental pollution with harmful chemicals. This study aims to explore the benefits of using sustainable fashion design materials and manufacturing practices. In-depth interviews were conducted with six experts in the fashion industry. The interviews were transcribed verbatim and analysed using thematic analysis. The findings revealed four themes of sustainable fashion benefits, i.e., reduce environmental pollution, increase consumer convenience, reduce costs, and increase societal development. Sustainability is an important aspect of fashion design, whether in producing fibre or the production of fashion design itself. Therefore, the fashion industry must be responsible to the community and the environment by ensuring less negati..... 499 hits |
9 | 2021 thesis | Pembangunan model kelestarian fesyen GFas-S untuk pengamal fesyen dalam bidang pendidikan fesyen Sharifah Shafie Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk membangunkan dan mengesahkan Model Kelestarian
Fesyen GFas-S untuk pengamal fesyen dalam bidang pendidikan fesyen. Berdasarkan
teori Tingkah Laku Terancang, Norm Activation Theory dan Model Peramal Tingkah
laku Bertanggungjawab Terhadap Alam Sekitar, lima konstruk utama kajian dipilih
iaitu, penglibatan fesyen, sikap proalam sekitar, kesedaran terhadap alam sekitar,
tanggungjawab serta norma peribadi terhadap alam sekitar dan penggunaan fesyen
lestari. Dua pemboleh ubah penyederhana terlibat iaitu keagamaan interpersonal dan
keagamaan intrapersonal yang dipilih berdasarkan literatur yang berkaitan. Reka
bentuk kajian ini adalah reka bentuk pembangunan model dan kajian ini menggunakan
SmartPLS untuk mengesahkan model yang akan dibangunkan. Dalam fasa pertama
kajian ini, enam orang pakar telah ditemu bual untuk menentukan konstruk awal model
ini. Fasa kedua pula menggunakan Teknik Fuzzy Delphi (FDM) bagi pengesahan
konstruk dan item model yang m..... 871 hits |
10 | 2013 thesis | An Analysis of mental toughness in outdoor adventure program among diploma level intervarsity athletes Mohd Shariman Shafie This study addressed four main purposes, which are: (1) to examine the effects of
outdoor adventure program towards participants’ mental toughness; (2) to investigate the influence
of socio demographic variables on the improvement of mental toughness; (3) to identify which of the
psychological factors of Model of Mental Toughness (Loehr, 1986) that are mostly affected by
outdoor adventure program; and (4) to determine the primary outdoor activity that affects participant mental toughness. This study
utilized pre and post quasi experimental with control group design. The 42 items of Psychological
Performance Inventory (PPI; Loehr, 1986) was administered among 265 (n = 165, experimental group; n
= 100, control group) diploma level intervarsity athletes and age in a range of 17-30 years old.
The primary finding of this study supported that outdoor adventure camp is effective in improving
participants’ mental toughness. This study found that only the socio demo..... 1174 hits |
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