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Simplified search suggestions : Saat Ishak
Malaysian Political Engagement 1945-2013
Ishak Saat
In the history of Malaysia's politics, consensus is an approach adopted by all political parties. In order to obtain people's support, political co-operation is a norm between various political parties despite having different ideologies and goals. For the sake of the country's well-being, differences are set aside with the ultimate goal of getting a political mandate and power of government. In fact, political co-operation is adopted and prioritized even before independence, in the post-independence and in the new millennium. By analysing historical documents and political party files, this article wishes to unleash the history of political collaboration and co-operation undertaken by all political parties in Malaysia. Finally, political understanding and co-operation between political parties has been successful in ensuring that social harmony and national integration be achieved and also to ensure that a new Malaysia can be realized.  ..

4215 hits

Ahmad Boestamam: tokoh radikal Melayu
Saat Ishak, Hadi Yaacob Norazlan, Ali Seman Ahmad,
Ahmad Boestamam merupakan antara tokoh nasionalisme Malaya terawal yang terkehadapan dalam menyuarakan hak nasionalisme dalam kalangan orang Melayu. Beliau berusaha mengajak orang Melayu bangkit memperjuangkan hak pusaka bumi. Orang Melayu merupakan pribumi asal Tanah Melayu seharusnya berani memperjuangkan tuntutan demokrasi dan kemerdekaan Malaya. Melihat kepada senario politik dan ekonomi waktu itu orang Melayu sudah mula ketinggalan dalam semua aspek kehidupan. Lantaran itu, Ahmad Boestamam berusaha menyedarkan bangsanya. Justeru itu, makalah ini memaparkan peranan dan sumbangan beliau dalam usaha membangkitkan kesedaran orang Melayu dalam memperjuangkan hak pusaka son of the soil. Dengan merujuk kepada sumber primer dan sekunder makalah ini memaparkan peranan Ahmad Boestamam sebagai nasionalis Malaya...

3762 hits

Impak Dasar Ekonomi Baru ke atas peningkatan ekonomi Bumiputera selepas tragedi 13 Mei 1969
Mamat Mohamad Asrol Arpidi, Saat Ishak, Ariffin Khairi,
Artikel ini memaparkan impak ekonomi kaum Bumiputera kesan daripada pelaksanaan Dasar Ekonomi Baru (DEB). DEB dilaksanakan sepenuhnya melalui Rancangan Malaysia Kedua yang bermula pada tahun 1971 ekoran tragedi 13 Mei 1969. DEB dirangka bagi mengurangkan jurang perbezaan ekonomi antara golongan Bumiputera dan bukan Bumiputera. Melalui DEB pihak kerajaan memainkan peranan yang lebih aktif dalam menyertai lapangan ekonomi secara langsung bagi mewujudkan keseimbangan di antara golongan yang berada dan golongan yang tidak berada. DEB dilancarkan sebagai sebahagian daripada strategi menyeluruh Tun Abdul Razak bagi membina semangat perpaduan antara kaum di negara ini dan meningkatkan ekonomi kaum Bumiputera ke tahap yang lebih tinggi agar tidak ketinggalan dengan kaum lain...

1725 hits

Perkembangan pendidikan orang Melayu di Malaya sebelum kemunculan western-type-education
Saadon Ramli, Ariffin Khairi, Saat Ishak,
Artikel ini adalah berkaitan perkembangan pendidikan orang Melayu sebelum kemasukan sistem pendidikan sekular yang diperkenalkan oleh kolonial British. Pendidikan orang Melayu sebelum kolonial British adalah sangat kuat terikat dengan corak pendidikan tradisional yang berpegang teguh kepada konsep pendidikan yang berbentuk sosialisasi dan pendidikan keagamaan yang menekankan ajaran Islam. Penghasilan artikel ini adalah untuk melihat perkembangan pendidikan dalam kalangan orang Melayu di Tanah Melayu yang terbahagi kepada pendidikan informal, pengajian agama, sekolah pondok dan pengajian madrasah. Kajian ini adalah olahan dan nilaian hasil daripada rujukan sumber dokumen primer dan sekunder dari Arkib Negara Malaysia dan Perpustakaan Universiti Awam Malaysia. Dapatan hasil kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa orang Melayu mempunyai sistem pendidikan mereka sendiri dan pendidikan dalam kalangan mereka adalah menjurus kepada pengajian agama Islam yang bersandarkan al-Quran dan Hadis. Secara kese.....

1647 hits

Tun Abdul Razak Hussein: survival politik Melayu 1963-1976
Saat Ishak,
Senario politik Malaysia selepas Tragedi 13 Mei 1969 memperlihatkan sarvival politik Melayu semakin meruncing dan kritikal. Bibit-bibit perbalahan kaum ini bermula sejak sebelum merdeka lagi kerana pembentukan parti-parti politik di Tanah Melayu dibentuk berasaskan kaum. Keterbukaan berpolitik orang Melayu jelas apabila kesediaan kepimpinan politik orang Melayu menerima orang bukan Melayu berpolitik dan menuntut hak mereka di Tanah Melayu. Namun keterbukaan ini semakin hari semakin membimbangkan apabila pelbagai tuntutan bukan Melayu yang mula mempertikaikan peruntukan hak istimewa orang Melayu dan kewajaran Bahasa Melayu sebagai Bahasa Kebangsaan di Malaysia. Fenomena ini membuatkan bibit-bibit ketidakpuasan hati mula kedengaran. Sesudah pembentukan Malaysia situasi ini semakin menjadi-jadi kerana kelantangan parti-porti politik bukan Melayu cuba menjuarai dan memenangi hati kaum masing-masing. Kemunculan Tun Abdul Razak Hussein sebagai pengganti Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj berjay.....

1195 hits

The dried fish products as the main economy resources in Terengganu in 20th century
Sulaiman@Abd Rahim Ruhaizan, Saat Ishak,
919 hits

Evaluation of the economic theme in historical curriculum in middle School in providing entrepreneurial spirit generation
Ishak bin Saat
This study aims to assess the mastery of students who study the historical subjects based on the economic title and study the ability of students to absorb the various entrepreneurial concepts. The concept of entrepreneurship can be achieved properly by students because the theme or the economic title is described in various aspects of its importance and also the weakness by the teacher who teaches the subject of history. Through the economic title that contained in the historical curriculum, various economic activities that have become historical materials are taught by historical teachers. The finding shows that there is a lack in the context of the ability of students to study the economic theme as most respondents only master the historical facts and use less of these facts to see the importance of learning the economic themes in historical learning. There are respondents who just state that with a business can generate wealth. However, respondents are less likely to say about raw .....

826 hits

Special policy implementation 1983-2018: implications on the economic growth and people of Malaysia
Ishak Saat
This article aims to look at the implications of the Privatization Policy introduced by the former Prime Minister of Malaysia, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad in the country from 1983 to 2018 in terms of the positive and negative implications towards the economy and the people of the country. The time taken is to see how effective this policy is in the 35 years of its implementation. The policy was introduced in 1983 and continues to be implemented today as it benefits outweighs the negative impact on the nation and the people. In general, the introduction of the Privatization Policy has also served to reduce the government's financial burden especially when the country is in an economic downturn, improve efficiency and diversification of revenue, encourage economic growth, efficient resource allocation and accelerate the achievement of the New Economic Policy (NEP). This study was conducted primarily using qualitative and chronological methods and was subjective. The information obtained is .....

755 hits

Al-Arqam: pioneer of nasyid art in Malaysia, 1975-1997
Ishak Saat
The purpose of this research is to discover Al-Arqam accomplishments as a pioneer of nasyid in Malaysia starting from 1975 until 1997. Increasing awareness in practicing Islam as the way of life gave Al-Arqam the opportunity to establish the first nasyid group named Nada Murni. The appearance of this nasyid group has become one of the initiatives for the people to enjoy entertainment in accordance to Islamic values and principles. This research implemented qualitative approach by analysing primary and secondary source gained from Malaysian National Archives and the library. The findings suggested that Al-Arqam was the first local group to introduce nasyid as an entertainment in Malaysia and their approach developed interest and awareness about Islam into the Malay society. Consequently, Al-Arqam started to commercialise their group as one of their socioeconomic activity by establishing music production company under the surveillance of Al-Arqam department of culture. Besides, the gover.....

636 hits

Historical elements and national unity of Malaysia
Ishak Saat
Malaysia was developed under the political concensus among the multi-racial political leader. The struggle of the founding fathers of Malaysia led to the birth of an independence nation by 31 August 1957 as Tanah Melayu and became Malaysia after the joining of Sabah, Sarawak and Singapore on 1963. This article was written to analyse the experience of the coalition of multi-racial leaders in the struggle of independence using the historical approach. The understanding on this coalition will contribute to the new approach for the next generation to appreciate the concept of multiracial coalition as a fundamental for the future of Malaysian identity. Based on unity and harmony, inter-racial relations can be nurtured and always be preserved for the sake of an independent Malaysia. Failure to understand the past will cause a nation to fall back into the arena of racial strife and riots that will not benefit but harm the country. The implication is the collapse of an independent nation that .....

478 hits

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