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Simplified search suggestions : Safiyyah Shaharuddin
Psychometric assessment of the need for instructional video in bullying among parents a newly development instrument
Safiyyah Shaharuddin
This study aimed to assess the underlying structure and internal consistency of the newly developed instrument, The Need for Instructional Videos on Bullying among Parents. The instrument's purpose is to identify parents' knowledge of bullying, their intervention skills, their role in bullying, need for an instructional video on bullying and adult learning (andragogy). The quantitative study includes 154 parents in Malaysia who have children in primary and secondary school. The cross-sectional survey design study was administered once and distributed virtually to parents in Malaysia. Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and Cronbach's alpha testing were used to assess the validity and reliability of the instrument. The extraction method used was Principal Axis Factoring with Varimax Rotation. The EFA extracted five factors with 73.01% total variance. The five factors, namely (i) knowledge about bullying: 5 items; (ii) bullying intervention skill: 6 items; (iii) parents' role: 5 items; (iv.....

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