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Simplified search suggestions : Salih Maria
Penerapan Pendidikan Alam Sekitar Merentas Kurikulum di Kalangan Guru Sekolah Menengah
Salih Maria, Nor Hanipah Hazinah,
1934 hits

Students motivation toward science learning in secondary schools in Oman and Malaysia: a comparative study
Salih Maria, Y.M. Mai Mohammed, Al Shibli Abdullah,
The purpose of this research was to compare the Omani and Malaysian students' motivation toward science learning in secondary schools. Motivation is an important component from any teaching and learning process. The results of previous studies revealed that students with better motivation usually perform better in school grades. The sample size is 359 students: 37.6% of them were Malaysian (135 students) while 62.4% were Omani (224 students). The 30-item Science Motivation Questionnaire (SMQ) was used in this research. It was developed by Glynn, Taasoobshirazi and Brickman. The results showed that the students had a “moderate” motivation in general. Regarding the subcategories, the students had “high Extrinsically Motivation” while they had a “moderate” level of motivation in the other subcategories or motivational factors. An independent-samples t-test was conducted to compare the motivation towards science scores of Omani and Malaysians. This finding implied that the Oman.....

2788 hits

Mental models of the concept of carbon cycle via self-generated visualisation among matriculation college science students
Abd. Rahman Roszelina, Salih Maria,
Among the objectives of this study was to identify and explain matriculation college science student’s mental models generated from self-visualisation of the concept of the carbon cycle. Five students were purposively sampled and the study was carried out in a naturalistic setting qualitative approach. Data was collected through a visualisation task and followed by interviews. The constant comparative qualitative technique was used to analyse differences and similarities that led to patterns in their mental visualisation. Findings showed two patterns of mental models; namely pictorial and graphical mental models. These students visualised themselves from their own experiences and made relationships to their prior and new knowledge. Keyword selection coincided with the concept used for the generation of visualisation. This study expects to help formulate a framework for teaching and learning to guide students to generate a significant mental visualisation of abstract science concepts......

3168 hits

Pola pemikiran visual pelajar Biologi terhadap konsep abstrak osmosis
Salih Maria, Abd. Rahman Roszelina,
Kajian ini bertujuan meneroka pemikiran visual pelajar Biologi terhadap konsep abstrak osmosis. Antara objektif khusus kajian ini adalah untuk mengenalpasti pola pemikiran visual pelajar apabila mereka melihat dan membaca konsep abstrak tersebut. Seramai 15 orang responden dipilih dari dua buah sekolah dengan menggunakan persampelan stratifikasi bertujuan. Pelajar ini mewakili kumpulan yang berpencapaian tinggi, sederhana dan rendah. Instrumen yang digunakan untuk mengumpul data adalah tugasan osmosis dan protokol temu bual semi berstruktur. Setelah data dianalisis secara deskriptif, kajian mendapati responden telah menunjukkan suatu pola pemikiran visual yang ketara. Secara keseluruhannya, 73% responden memaparkan visual dengan reka bentuk eksperimental manakala 27% responden melakarkan visual dengan reka bentuk ilustrasi. 40% responden yang berpencapaian tinggi mempunyai visual jenis holistik. 60% hingga 80% responden yang berpencapaian sederhana dan rendah pula mempunyai visual jeni.....

1220 hits

Koswer Visual Assisted Teaching Aid (VATA) dalam menangani miskonsepsi dan meningkatkan kefahaman murid mengenai konsep fasa-fasa bulan
Mohd Noor Soleh, Salih Maria,
Ini adalah satu kajian tindakan bagi mengenal pasti keberkesanan koswer Visual Assisted Teaching Aid (BBM-VATA) dalam mengatasi miskonsepsi dan meningkatkan kefahaman murid bagi topik fasa-fasa bulan. Refleksi awal menunjukkan murid mempunyai miskonsepsi tentang fasa-fasa bulan, sukar untuk menggambarkan konsep kejadian fasa-fasa bulan dan keliru di antara kejadian fasa-fasa bulan, gerhana matahari dan juga gerhana bulan. Model Kajian Tindakan Kemmis dan McTaggart (1988) diguna sebagai kerangka kajian dan kuasi eksperimen dipilih sebagai reka bentuk kajian. Sampel terdiri daripada dua kumpulan 35 orang murid dari dua kelas tahun enam yang setara. Instrumen yang digunakan untuk mengumpul data adalah satu set ujian pra dan pasca yang setara. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara statistik inferensi menggunakan ujian t. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan terdapat perbezaan yang signifikan skor ujian pra dan pasca di antara kumpulan kawalan dan kumpulan rawatan dengan nilai t=8.081 (miskonsepsi) d.....

1426 hits

Curriculum framework for preparing quality teachers for the future: developing guiding principles
Ratnavadivel Nagendralingan, Chang Lee Hoon, Salih Maria, Low Jeffery, Karuppiah Nagalingam, Omar Ainon, Md. Yassin Sopia, Dawi Amir Hasan, Saad Noor
Globalization is constantly impacting on education and is radically transforming it in terms of the mode and culture of learning. The shift from product-economy to knowledge-economy has profound implications for the kind of education a nation has to offer its future generation. The need for knowledge workers places emphasis on new attributes for learners, particularly those which pertain to twenty-first century skills. The last decade and a half has also seen the emergence of international student ranking lists such as TIMSS, PISA, PIRLS, Olympiads, which have put tremendous pressure on education ministries. A response to this pressure of „rank and shame‟ has been a flurry of education reform initiatives, including in Malaysia. The ability to develop learners who can think critically and creatively and to reason logically and to innovate is the challenge in education. The Malaysia Education Blueprint 2013-2025 has identified teacher education among the eleven shifts to transform th.....

2936 hits

Problem solving confidence and attitudes in Mathematics of grade six pupils of Sawata Ernandcor Central Elementary school
Cia Richard L., Salih Maria,
The study aimed to determine whether the problem solving confidence had an effect on the attitudes of students in solving problems in Mathematics. Specifically, it sought to find out if low and high problem solving confidence of pupils significantly differs in attitudes in Mathematics. Descriptivecomparative design was used in the study. The study was carried out at Sawata Ernandcor Central Elementary school for forty-eight grade six pupils. Frequency or percentage, Mean, and One- Way MANOVA were used as tools in the analysis of data. Results revealed that there was greater number of students that have low confidence in problem solving in Mathematics; the level of attitudes in Mathematics of grade six pupils was high and there was a significant difference in the problem solving confidence of grade six pupils in terms of their attitudes in Mathematics. Further, there was a significant difference in attitudes in Mathematics associated with the difference in problem solving confidence of .....

982 hits

Proses penjanaan visualisasi mental dalam kalangan pelajar Biologi bagi konsep abstrak osmosis
Abd. Rahman Roszelina, Salih Maria,
Objektif kajian ini adalah untuk mengenalpasti teknik pemprosesan informasi dan menghurai proses penjanaan visualisasi mental dalam kalangan pelajar Biologi bagi konsep abstrak osmosis. Sepuluh orang pelajar telah dipilih sebagai responden dengan menggunakan persampelan stratifikasi bertujuan. Mereka dikategori kepada dua kumpulan iaitu, yang berpencapaian tinggi dan yang berpencapaian rendah berdasarkan kepada pencapaian Biologi dalam ujian prestasi yang lalu. Instrumen kajian yang diguna bagi mengumpul data ialah satu tugasan dan protokol temu bual semi berstruktur. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara kuantitatif menggunakan peratusan dan secara kualitatif dengan membentuk tema dan sub-tema menggunakan kaedah perbandingan konstan. Seratus peratus (100%) pelajar telah menggunakan elemen penapisan dan lebih selektif terhadap pemilihan kata kunci dalam memproses informasi bagi menterjemahkan teks definisi konsep osmosis yang diberi dalam tugasan. Dapatan kajian juga mendapati enam pul.....

1084 hits

Teachers perceptions and students motivation to Thinking-based Learning (TBL) in a classroom context
Salih Maria,
This paper will present part of a larger study on the development and implementation of a Thinking-based Learning (TBL) instructional manual for secondary science. Two of the research objectives discussed in this paper is to determine teachers’ perceptions in conducting the TBL approach in the regular classroom and the students’ motivation after undergoing a series of TBL activities. Four teachers from 4 different schools volunteered to conduct TBL science lessons to an intact group of 187 students. Another group of 40 MRSM science teachers were given a 2 days TBL workshop. A five point Likert scale questionnaire on teachers’ perception and an intrinsic motivation inventory was used to collect data. The findings showed that despite 79% of teachers who are in favor of the TBL approach, many constrains faced by them might impede the implementation and success of the approach. 85.6% of the students were highly motivated intrinsically after undergoing the TBL lessons. It can be concl.....

774 hits

Amalan memberi tugasan secara berkala oleh guru membantu menangani masalah kurang tumpuan pelajar dalam kelas
Salih Maria, Mohamad Mohd Hanis, Abd Manas Zulakmal, Megat Abd Razak Megat Mortaza, Muhammad Akib Muhammad Firdaus, Abdul Aziz Yusran,
2753 hits

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