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1 | 2022 article | Understanding behavior and preference a study on designing litter prevention outdoor signage Sarah Sajap This paper discusses Understanding Behaviour and Preference: A Study On Designing Litter Prevention Outdoor Signage. Creating an effective awareness and environmental education has always been a challenge in sustainable development. After the travel ban was lifted, there is a significant increase in improperly disposed garbage in public areas due to an increase in visitors. To achieve goals 12,13, 14, and 15 of the Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs)s, these issues need to be tackled first and foremost. This study attempts to investigate the issue of littering behavior using a quantitative method. The survey data was collected using 50 respondents as simple random sampling. Three designs that were developed using Lasswell’s Communication Model are put to test with local park visitors. The results are then used to draw a relationship between demographic background and littering behavior as well as their design preferences. The results revealed that the design with an educational m..... 178 hits |