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Simplified search suggestions : Setyaningsih Rini
Context-based tasks in mathematics textbooks for vocational high school students
Setyaningsih, Rini
This study analyzes the context-based tasks in mathematics textbooks for grade ten and eleven vocational high school students in Indonesia. A vertical analysis was done based on the types of context, types of information, and cognitive demand types. This study is a descriptive qualitative study involving an external coder to ensure its validity and reliability. The data collection was conducted through text analysis and literature study. Whereas the data analysis used is content analysis. Based on the data analysis, it can be concluded that there are still little tasks with the relevant and essential context in the mathematics textbooks (10% for grade ten and 30% for grade eleven). Regarding vocational high school expertise, the tasks are relevant to vocational high school's specific expertise. Regarding the types of information, tasks with matching categorized are dominant: 54% in grade ten and 88% in grade eleven. For the types of cognitive demand, grade ten is dominated with reprodu.....

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