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Simplified search suggestions : Shafizan Mohamed
Readers comments on facebook and the changes in traditional agenda setting function of newspapers
Shafizan Mohamed
The article discusses the impact of reader feedbacks on newspapers' conventional agenda-setting role. Due to the decline in printed newspaper distribution and online news subscriptions, changes in the media landscape have led many newspaper agencies to share news content on social networks, mainly Facebook. Furthermore, newspaper readers rely on social media and prefer to read their news online. Almost all newspapers are now targeting their readers via Facebook as an effort to maintain their popularity. As a result, traditional ties between newspapers and their readers are shifting and shaping news's agenda-setting role. The audience comments on over 600 news piecesfrom major Malay newspapers published during the Malaysian by-elections in Semenyih and Rantau were analysed using content analysis. According to the findings of the research, reading news on Facebook changes the agendasetting role of news media by enabling readers to join a dialogue in which they can also become meaning-mak.....

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