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Simplified search suggestions : Shittu Morufudeen Adeniyi
Infusion of creative thinking skills into Arabic curriculum in Nigerian higher institutions to enhance graduates employment
Adeniyi Shittu Morufudeen, Yusuf Muhammed,
1063 hits

Embedding employability skills in Arabic studies curriculum of Nigeria tertiary institutions
Shittu, Morufudeen Adeniyi
The objective of this study is to examine the inclusion of employability skills into the existing Arabic curriculum in Nigeria tertiary institutions to provide more job opportunities for Arabic graduates. The study used mixed methods as research design to answer three research questions and two hypotheses. Nine sets of components generated 44 items: 18 items are on relevance, job-opportunity and work-environment to the contents of the curriculum while the remaining 26 items are on identified employability skills. A total population of 1,350 students were selected across universities and colleges of education in Yoruba land, Nigeria. Out of this population, a total number of 344 respondents finally responded to the study. The researcher also made use of interview technique to explore the opinion of 12 stakeholders who were carefully selected from various universities and colleges of education in Yoruba land on the state of the current contents of Arabic curriculum in use in Nigeria, fac.....

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