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Simplified search suggestions : Siti Fatimah Zainol
Keberkesanan pengajaran dan pembelajaran membuat ulasan nilai murni dengan menggunakan pengurusan grafik
Siti Fatimah Zainol
This study was conducted to examine the effectiveness of the application of thinking tools in improving the graphics management skills commenting values ??critically among pupils in Year 5. This study uses the design were the pre Pasca test One Group . Respondents consisted of 30 Year 5 pupils at a primary school in Central Perak district , Perak. The instrument was used in this study were two sets of question papers Malay Writing Test 012 / 1 , Section C requires students write five values ??based on the passage given and the length of each answer is not more than 50 words . Students are required to write their answers in a paragraph . Students are exposed to a review of teaching moral values ??by using Graphic Management thinking . The study was conducted for four weeks , two times a week for each hour of teaching the Malay language. All students are administered the pre and pasca test for review of performance skills to make moral values ??. Data were analyzed using percentages to m.....

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