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Simplified search suggestions : Suryana Dodi
Examining the supervision work alliance scale: a rasch model approach
Suryana, Dodi
Background: The supervisory working alliance has a role in facilitating guidance and counseling supervisors in providing understanding of how the service works. Measuring the level of supervision work alliance is one way that can be done to find out whether a supervisor has a good supervisory work alliance or not. Objective: The research aims to describe the quality of the Supervision Work Alliance Scale (SWAS) instrument. Materials and Methods: The study employed a cross-sectional method with a quantitative research design. Participants in this study were counseling teachers implementing the internship program with 17 males and 55 females. This type of parameter needs to be identified by the category coefficient of the RASCH scoring function model for polycotomic responses. Results: The results show that as many as 34 items proved to be compatible with SWAS instruments. The cronbach alpha of the instrument was 0.91 which means that the all items were in the high category of reliabilit.....

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Rasch analysis of the Indonesian mental health screening tools
Suryana, Dodi
Introduction: Along with massive developments in various aspects of life, mental health is one of the issues that must be discussed to encourage optimal development of an individual. To achieve these goals, we need an instrument that can measure and determine the mental health needs of humans precisely. Materials and Methods: The study was conducted using a cross-sectional method with a quantitative research design. Participants in this study were adolescent students from Indonesia and Malaysia. The American Mental Health Screening Tool adapted to Indonesian and Malaysian conditions is used as an instrument to measure mental health. There were 359 people from Indonesia and 171 people from Malaysia participating in this study. This type of parameter needs to be identified by the category coefficient of the RASCH scoring function model for polycotomic responses. Results and Discussion: The results showed that the American Screening Tools Mental Health instrument had a unidimensionality v.....

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