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1 | 2021 article | Society 5.0: green logistics consciousness in enlightening environmental and social sustainability Syamsuriana Sidek Currently, there is growing attention towards improving sustainability, including the worldwide agenda in moving towards Society 5.0. Since the formulation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the green logistics issue has been widely recognized as one crucial element to reducing environmental and social impact. Nevertheless, only a few studies in this area were established since the ignorance regarding this issue was immense globally, including in the Malaysian context. This paper intends to examine the relationship of organizational performance consciousness, economic performance consciousness, and environmental performance consciousness towards green logistics consciousness in enlightening environmental and social sustainability in the Malaysian situation. The data of 387 respondents throughout Malaysia were collected using a convenience survey sampling technique. This data was initially analyzed via descriptive, validity, reliability, and normality test using IBM SPSS Statistic..... 623 hits |