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Simplified search suggestions : Syaril Izwann Jabar
Student perception towards the effectiveness of instructional strategies for online learning in Sultan Idris University of Education (UPSI)
Syaril Izwann Jabar
Based on the Seven Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education, search attempted to put  forth a theoretical framework that might facilitate the manifestation of online learning. The central problem that was the focus of the research was to  determine whether undergraduate students in Sultan Idris University of  Education  (UPSI)  are  aware  of  the  Seven  Principles  and  subsequently  its implications.  A sample of 397  participants  was successfully  obtained.  Findings indicated that student awareness of the Seven  Principles was independent or  not related to variables such as the number of semesters they had  experienced online learning and faculty affiliation. Additionally, the utilization level of  communicative technology such as telephone and text messaging (SMS), email, forum, and online  resources such as materials by teaching staff was also independent or not related to the variable  of student awareness. A test  using One-w.....

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