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Simplified search suggestions : T Perumal
The use of formulaic language to enhance the speaking ability of limited English proficient (LEP) learners in a secondary school
Rathai A/P Muniandy@Perumal
This study is aimed to analyse on how formulaic language can be used to enhance the speaking ability of limited English proficient (LEP) learners in a secondary school. Five, Form 4 LEP learners were involved in this study, which used a mixed method with an embedded design methodology. Their speech production (monologue and dialogue) were analysed in terms of accuracy by looking into the sentence selection to convey their intended ideas and the level of correctness in employing the learnt formulaic language in terms of lexis choices, word order and grammar, before and after a series of direct instruction sessions, which involved „noticing? and „awarenessraising? activities. The study also analysed how the use of formulaic language affects the context of repair fluency of the LEP learners in terms of repetition, reformulation and false starts. It can be concluded that the use of formulaic sequences had improved the quality and length of speech production for all the five LEP learner.....

1782 hits

Pemikiran sosial dalam epik pendek karya Bharathidasan
Rajendram Perumal
Objektif kajian ini adalah untuk mengenal pasti pemikiran sosial yang terdapat dalam epik pendek Bharathidasan. Kedua, menganalisis pandangan masyarakat umum terhadap pemikiran sosial yang terdapat dalam epik pendek Bharathidasan dan yang ketiga menghuraikan pandangan Bharathidasan yang inginkan masyarakat yang progresif sekitar abad kedua puluh sepertimana yang digambarkan dalam epik pendek karya Bharathidasan. Sebanyak lima buah epik pendek karya Bharathidasan iaitu Canceevi parvatatin caral, Puratcikkavi, Virattay, Kudumpa vilakku and Irunta vitu telah dipilih sebagai sumber utama kajian. Ini merupakan kajian kualitatif dan dibuat berdasarkan pendekatan kajian perpustakaan. Berdasarkan metodologi ini, sumber primer dikumpulkan dan dianalisis bersama sumber sekunder dan maklumatmaklumat yang berkait rapat dengan kajian. Kajian ini diperkukuh lagi dengan pengaplikasian teori Rasionalisme Periyar. Penemuan kajian yang diutarakan mengemukakan ideologi-ideologi yang harus dijadikan telad.....

868 hits

Analyses of training needs of in-service teachers in fostering higher order thinking skills in science teaching
Paramesvary Perumal
This survey study aims to analyse training needs of lower secondary in-service teachers to foster higher-order thinking skills (HOTS) in science teaching. The population of the study were lower secondary science teachers in Peninsular Malaysia. Multistage random sampling was employed and 220 respondents (a response rate of 65.3%) took part in this study. Data were gathered using a questionnaire that was specifically developed for the purpose of this study and has high validity and reliability. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyse the data. Borich formula was adapted to determine the discrepancy and to prioritise training needs. Results show that teachers have limited understanding of HOTS as well as the pedagogy to foster HOTS. The finding indicates that there is a need for training in all methods/activities/techniques to foster HOTS both in knowledge and performance dimensions. Ten competency items were identified as ‘Critical Training Needs’ that should be .....

1116 hits

Meyppattiyal dalam novel-novel Sujatha
P.Devaki M.K. Perumal
This research aims to identify meyppattiyal (emotions), explain inner causes (various emotions)   that   trigger   meyppattiyal,   analyse   thunaimai   meyppattiyal   (additional  emotions) and explain messages conveyed by Sujatha in his novels by incorporating meyppattiyal.     This  study  analyses  five  of  Sujatha’s  novels  consisting  Vasanth! Vasanth!,  Miindum  Oru   Kuttram,  Priya,   Aayarathil  Iruvar  and  Pesum  Bommaikal This is a qualitative research that  combines library research and text analysis methods. Analysis and discussions are based on  meyppattiyal theory prompted by Tolkappiyar which   includes   envakai   meyppattiyal   (eight-fold    emotions)   consisting   of   nakai (laughter),  alukai  (weeping),  ilivaral  (contempt),   marutkai  (awe),  accam  (fear), perumitam (pride), vekuli (anger) and uvakai (joy) depicted in  Sujatha’s novels. Each of  the meyppattiyal is triggered b.....

934 hits

Role of Malaysian mass media in promoting Thirukkural
T. Perumal
Malaysian Tamils originated from South India, being a minority group faces a lot of challenges in preserving and maintaining their identity, culture, language and literature. Both printed and electronic mass media had played an important role in maintaining Tamil language and literature in Malaysia, a multilingual and multi-cultural nation. Thirukkural is an ancient scripture in Tamil literature, was written by Thiruvalluvar is the only Tamil literary work which has gained so much importance and has seen many translations and commentaries into almost all major languages of the world (Bharathi, Sridevi, & Varshitha, , 2017). Thirukkural also is beacon and guide to life, though written millenniums ago its principles are still relevant in present day contexts and stand as an embodiment of human life (Madhusudanan & Nalini, 2015). Therefore, it is imperative that Thirukkkural need to be reinforced into the society especially among the diaspora community. Generally, diaspora countries such .....

509 hits

Citra,perjuangan dan status wanita dalam kumpulan cerpen Ko.Punniavan
Saravanan Perumal
Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti citra wanita, menganalisis perjuangan wanita dan menghuraikan status wanita dalam kumpulan cerpen Ko.Punniavan. Oleh itu, pendekatan kualitatif yang merangkumi kaedah kepustakaan dan kaedah analisis teks di samping teori feminisme budaya yang dipelopori oleh Brooke Williams pada tahun 1975 digunakan untuk menjalankan kajian ini. Feminisme budaya ialah fahaman bahawa wanita akan mencapai emansipasi melalui budaya wanita alternatif. Dapatan kajian mendapati bahawa hanya sebanyak 17 buah cerpen daripada 48 cerpen yang telah diterbitkan dalam tiga buah kumpulan cerpen Ko.Punniavan berjudul Nijam, Cirai, Ethirvinaikal mencerminkan feminisme budaya. Cerpen-cerpen tersebut dipilih sebagai korpus kajian kerana penulisnya Ko. Punniavan merupakan seorang penulis feminis yang popular di Malaysia. Dalam 17 buah cerpen tersebut, aspek citra, perjuangan dan status kaum wanita dapat dikesan pada watak isteri dalam lima buah cerpen, ibu dalam empat buah cerpen.....

974 hits

Development of a design framework to create awareness of bakery food ingredients information for parents in Klang Valley
Kasturi Pormalu@Perumal
alaysia is famous for its variety of foods. However, the most common staple is bread, especially among busy parents. Despite multiple health problems rising among children, parents' understanding and awareness of food ingredient information are lacking. The design elements diminish the effective delivery of the message of the bakery food ingredients' information. Therefore, based on the problems identified in the design elements, this research aims to develop a Bakery Food Ingredient Information (BFII) framework. As the study is a sequential explanatory mixed-method, a QUANTITATIVE-QUALITATIVE research design is used. Data were gathered by giving survey questionnaires to parents and doing in-depth interviews with graphic design experts using semi-structured questions. In the quantitative survey, 700 questionnaires were sent to parents in the Klang Valley with children between the ages of 7 to 12. The survey used a stratified random sample method. A total of 456 questionnaires were fina.....

394 hits

Kesediaan guru dalam melaksanakan pendidikan abad ke 21 di sekolah daerah Barat Daya Pulau Pinang
Parameswary Perumal
Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti tahap persepsi guru dalam kesediaan guru untuk melaksanakan pendidikan abad ke-21 (PAK21). Tahap kesediaan guru melaksanakan pendidikan abad ke-21 dilihat berdasarkan aspek pengetahuan guru tentang pembelajaran pendidikan abad ke-21, kemahiran menggunakan sistem pengurusan pembelajaran Google Classroom dan sokongan pentadbir. Instrumen soal selidik dipilih sebagai medium untuk menjalankan kajian kuantitatif ini. Dalam kajian ini seramai 330 orang guru sekolah rendah dari daerah Barat Daya, Pulau Pinang telah dipilih secara rawak sebagai sampel kajian ini. Berdasarkan keputusan kajian, didapati bahawa majoriti guru berpendapat bahawa mereka mempunyai pengetahuan yang tinggi tentang PAK21(M=3.71, sp=0.464), kemahiran guru menggunakan sistem pengurusan pembelajaran Google Classroom adalah tahap sederhana (M=2.88, sp=0.704). Bagi tahap sokongan pentadbir, guru bersetuju mereka mempunyai sokongan dari pentadbir (M=3.86, sp=0.562). Selain.....

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