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Simplified search suggestions : Tan Gian Seng
The Chinese calligrapher to the South: the life experiences of Tsue Ta Tee, migration journey to Penang and his Chinese heritage calligraphy artwork in Penangs public places
Tan, Gian Seng
In early and mid twentieth century, the changes of political situations, turmoil, hardships and natural disasters in China forced mass migration of Chinese hailed from China to Penang. Many of the migrants from China took refuge in Penang. Dedicated to their own origins of Chinese culture, education and ar t, they preserved the original sources of Chinese heritage and left behind their invaluable treasures which in one way or another shaped and formed the culture of Penang Chinese community today. Among those Chinese migrants to Penang, some of them were sch olars, calligraphers and artists originally from China. Tsue Ta Tee, a prominent Chinese Calligrapher, found his feet and settled down in Penang from 1903 to 1974. This research is an attempt to explore his life experiences (e.g., job, name experiences in mainland China), migration journey to Penang, and social interactions in Penang. All these are the fundamental aspects which lay the foundation of the future research to further a.....

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