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Simplified search suggestions : Tan Kuan Nien
Understanding the effectiveness of teaching Chinese characters using wiimote interactive whiteboard on primary school students
Tan, Kuan Nien
This study examines the effectiveness of teaching Chinese characters using Wiimote interactive whiteboard on primary school students. The objectives of this study were to investigate the differences in students’ achievement and motivation in learning Chinese characters between Wiimote Interactive Whiteboard (Wiimote IWB) and traditional pedagogical practice, and to determine the level and factor of acceptance to use Wiimote IWB to teach and learn Chinese characters based on teachers’ perspective. Six teachers and forty-six Year-2 students were chosen as samples for this experiment, who were split into two groups, where the treatment group used the Wiimote IWB in the lesson, while the control group used traditional pedagogy. Pre-tests and post-tests of “listen and write” were conducted and compared using the t-test to investigate the difference in terms of students’ achievement between the groups. The students also answered the Motivated Strategies of Learning Questionnaire (M.....

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