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Simplified search suggestions : Ur Rehman Na Veed
The impact of human resource practices on human resource outcomes of small and medium enterprises in Pakistan
Ur Rehman, Na Veed
The purpose of this study is to investigate the overall influence of the human resource practices that contributes in organizational commitment and human resource outcomes. These practices are of significant value and can playa pivotal role in small and medium enterprises growth. The study is quantitative in nature. Field survey method was used to collect the primary data from 311 small and medium enterprises operating in Karachi, Pakistan. The data was analyzed by using descriptive statistics, correlation, t-test, ANOY A, multiple regression and MANOY A analysis. Findings revealed that human resource practices, organizational commitment and human resource outcomes executed at moderate level in small and medium enterprises. The study reported positive relationship among human resource practices, organizational commitment and human resource outcomes. The analysis also showed that all human resource practices variables are significantly predict the variance in organizational commitment a.....

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