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Simplified search suggestions : Vanesri Kasi
The effect of phonemic segmentation through Interactive Whiteboard Elkonin Box Module among remedial children
Vanesri Kasi
The purpose of this study is to develop and evaluate the effectiveness of Interactive Whiteboard’s   Elkonin  Box  Module  in  improving  phonemic  segmentation  skills among Year Two remedial  students.   Interactive Whiteboard’s Elkonin Box Module had been designed  based on Constructivist  Theory,  mastery  learning and interactive learning. Quantitative approaches  with  quasi-experimental design were  used for this study. A number of 60 Year Two remedial students from  Muar district were selected using  purposive  sampling.  The  sample  was  divided  into  the   treatment  and  control groups.  The  former  went  through  a  teaching  and  learning  process   using  Interactive Whiteboard’s Elkonin Box Module, while the latter learnt through traditional  teaching. After  the  pre-test,  three  months  of  intervention  was  carried  out  to  both   groups  of sample,  folllowed  by  post-test.  Data  w.....

705 hits

The design and development of the 'Grid and Game' module using the ADDIE model for remedial pupils
Vanesri Kasi
Mathematics is a compulsory subject in primary and secondary school curricula in Malaysia. Even though it is important and needed in daily life, there are many pupils who are afraid of this subject, especially during tests and examinations. This happened among the mathematics remedial pupils, as they have not mastered the basic arithmetic skills as required. Thus, this study explores the design and development process of the ‘Grid and Game’ module. This module plays a vital part in delivering the understanding and knowledge of multiplication skills for remedial pupils. Thus, the ‘Grid and Game’ module should be designed attentively and systematically. The aim of this paper is to provide specific information about the instructional design and development of the ‘Grid and Game’ module by applying the ADDIE model. One of the instructional design methods that many researchers widely use is the ADDIE model because it is relevant to the standard of learning and designing which pr.....

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