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Simplified search suggestions : Wan Ab Aziz Wan Daud
Factors affecting Arabic learners interest towards blended learning: further evidence in University Malaysia Kelantan
Wan Ab Aziz Wan Daud
E-learning constitutes of learning, training and education programme that involves the use electronic devices. E-learning can be divided into two concepts and operations. Conceptually, e-learning emphasizes learning process that involves the collaborative and constructive interactions using various electronic tools in online learning. In recent years, e-learning has been gradually being introduced to the conventional classroom. This development leads to the introduction of blended learning, which combines face to face and online learning. This study focuses on identifying which of the four major factors, characteristics of lecturers, system quality, technical support and information quality, affect students’ interest in blended learning and found. A set of questionnaires was administered to 120 Arabic learners of University Malaysia Kelantan (UMK) and the data obtained were analysed using descriptive quantitative analysis employed through the IBM SPSS 24 statistical software. The fin.....

614 hits

The effectiveness and acceptance of mobile application for Arabic language proficiency elementary at university level
Wan Ab Aziz Wan Daud
This study aimed to develop a mobile application (i-Almunawwar) for Arabic language learning based on the KEMGERLY Model and evaluate its effectiveness and acceptance. It aimed at identifying the effect of interaction between achievement and ARCS motivation constructs toward User Acceptance (UA). A total of 470 beginner’s Arabic learners from four universities in peninsular Malaysia were selected through stratified random sampling technique. This study employed a quasi-experimental design where the participants from each university were separated into two groups of 25-30. For the treatment group, i-Almunawwar was used to conduct the lessons, while for the control group, a conventional pedagogical approach was adopted. The data were collected through tests, questionnaires, and semi-structured interviews. The data were then analysed using t-test and one-way ANCOVA. Structured Equation Modelling (SEM) statistical analysis was used to estimate the parameters and conduct model .....

1540 hits

Gender differences in learning Arabic language proficiency via m-learning among Malaysia university students
Wan Ab Aziz Bin Wan Daud
The integration of multimedia would enable teachers to take maximum advantage of technology to educate non-native students regarding Arabic language proficiency. Multimedia teaching has many benefits compared to the conventional teaching model, where we differentiate by incorporating multimedia which makes Arabic classes more energetic, vibrant and interesting. However, the significant impact of multimedia learning could be different toward gender as their interest and preference could be differ. Therefore, this study aims to investigate gender differences in learning Arabic language proficiency via M-learning among Malaysia university students. This study is a pre-test and post-test quasi experimental study which comprises of 84 males and 189 females in treatment group; and 197 students in control groups. All of the participants are lower beginner Arabic language learners from four universities in peninsular Malaysia which were selected through stratified random sampling technique. Th.....

391 hits

The usability of i-suyyah: a mobile tourism application for Arab tourists in Malaysia
Wan Ab Aziz Wan Daud
Globalisation and the rapid growth of technologies call for ease and automation in different aspects, including in tourism. Tourism is an important sector in Malaysia as it generates income for the country. In recent years, Malaysia has seen a surge in the arrival of high-spending Arab tourists. This reflects the need to provide a tool, specifically a tourism mobile application in the Arabic language, that could help ease their journey in Malaysia. Thus, this study aims to determine the usability of the i-Suyyah mobile application for Arab tourists in Malaysia. The data obtained were analysed using the Fuzzy Delphi method, and twelve experts were selected to analyse the fuzziness consensus. It was found that the i-Suyyah mobile application recorded a high percentage of expert consensus, specifically on its usability. All usability items have reached unity with the threshold value of d 0.2, and the percentage of consensus among the expert group is more than 83%. ? 2021, Universidad de H.....

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