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Simplified search suggestions : Wan Fariza Wan Abdul Rahman |
1 | 2023 article | The development of a face recognition-based mobile application for student attendance recording Wan Fariza Wan Abdul Rahman Attendance-taking has been practised in most learning institutions, schools, colleges, and universities to monitor the students’ commitment towards their studies. The traditional way of attendance-taking is usually performed by passing a piece of paper to be signed by all the students in the class. The main drawback is proxy attendance, whereby a student can sign on behalf of their friend. Students frequently miss classes are at a higher risk of missing important information, discussions, demonstrations, and assignments, leading to knowledge gaps and hindering their overall academic progress. Additionally, traditional attendance-taking takes significant time for the paper to circulate among the students, especially in larger classrooms. This can result in wasted instructional time and disrupt the class flow. The students might be distracted, and their focus on the class material might also be disrupted. Regarding record management, paper-based attendance records can easily get mispla..... 100 hits |