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Simplified search suggestions : Wan Salmuni Wan Mustaffa
Evaluating service quality at Malaysian Public Universities: perspective of International Students by world geographical regions
Wan Salmuni Wan Mustaffa
Recently, the issue of international students’ perceptions on service quality offered by Malaysian public universities has been debated among practitioners and academicians. The international students may experience different educational services in the host country compared to their home country due to cultural and values differences. In addition, the existing research has reported that the perceptions of international students towards services at Malaysian public universities are only at moderate level. Thus, the aim of this research is to determine the perceptions of international students towards service quality at Malaysian public universities according to world geographical regions, namely Asia, Middle East, and Africa. This research was conducted at Malaysian public universities. An online questionnaire was utilized as a research instrument. The stratified sampling technique was applied to gather the data among international students. The descriptive and one-way ANOVA techniqu.....

1353 hits

Cognitive, affective and behavioral model of international postgraduate students' experiences of service delivery in Malaysian research universities
Wan Salmuni Wan Mustaffa
Malaysia has been recognized as a higher education destination for international students. Recently, an issue of ensuring a positive service experience among international students in Malaysian public universities has gained enormous attention. The international students are viewed as the primary customers of higher education. It is important for universities to attract and retain the international students' experience to compete in the global market and enhance university ranking. Consequently, universities need to improve the international students' experience with service delivery rendered, including teaching and learning, research, and administrative. Previous research affirms that the customer experience involves three phases of human interaction, cognitive, affective and behavioral, when evaluating services. The cognitive-affective-behavioral model is often used to explain the concept of customer experience. Nevertheless, this model still does not specify the relevant variables t.....

1430 hits

Pembuatan keputusan multi kriteri kenaikan pangkat kakitangan akademik di institusi pengajian tinggi awam (IPTA):teknik proses hierarki analisis (PHA)
Wan Mustaffa Wan Salmuni, Kamis Hariri, Mohd Shokory Suzyanty, Jusoh Osman,
Pendidikan tinggi Malaysia mengalami perubahan dalam sistem pendidikannya selaras dengan keperluan globalisasi. Malaysia ingin menjadi pelopor pendidikan tinggi di Asia di raana pelajar memilih Malaysia sebagai pilihan pertama untuk melanjutkan pengajian mereka. Bagi mencapai matlamat ini, aspek utama yang diberi penekanan adalah sumber manusia. Ini adalah kerana sumber manusia yang berkualiti dapat menyumbang kepada pencapaian matlamat dan peningkatan prestasi pendidikan tinggi ke tahap antarabangsa. Kakitangan akademik merapakan input utama dalam proses transformasi pendidikan serta merupakan faktor penyumbang kepada kecemerlangan dan kegagalan sesebuah institusi. Oleh hal demikian. salah satu cara bagi mendapatkan pensyarah yang berkualiti tempatan dan luar negara pihak kerajaan perlu menyediakan ganjaran dan pengiktirafan yang menarik. Antara ganjaran yang didapati paling berkesan adalah kenaikan pangkat. Kenaikan pangkat yang selaras dengan perubahan dan keperluan globalisasi meme.....

1826 hits

The customer's cognitive evaluation of service experience: an empirical comparison between service personal values and service value
Wan Mustaffa Wan Salmuni, Abdul Rahman Rafiduraida, Ahmad Noor Lela, Ab Wahid Hariyaty,
3776 hits

The analysis of the internalization of noble values among students from Malaysian perspective
Wan Salmuni Wan Mustaffa
In today’s development, social problems and indisciplinary among students are to be observed as getting serious. Our community often discuss about these negative issues commonly commited by teenagers, especially students at school and higher education. Due to this, one question related to social and disciplinary problems has been brought up – how far have students learn to internalise and practise noble values in their lives. Therefore, this paper aims to discuss the premilanary findings of the internalization of noble values among students. This study is a quantitative study using a descriptive survey research design. Data collected through questionnaire. The data were analyzed by SPSS using descriptive statistics and t-test. The survey findings revealed that overall of the internalization of noble values among students is high. The study also found no significant differences toward the internalization of noble values among respondents based on gender and stream of studies. In con.....

615 hits

A cognitive-affective-behavioral responses of customer experience (CAB-CE) model for service delivery improvement in the healthcare industry
Wan Salmuni Wan Mustaffa
The healthcare industry is shifting towards customer-focused similar to other service industries. The healthcare service providers and theorists have developed various measurement tools of customer experience (CE) to sustain the business. However, there are still unresolved issues related to CE measurement tools in the healthcare context need to be addressed. First, CE measurement tools still fail to capture the customers’ journey towards healthcare service experiences truly. Second, the relevant variables representing each phase of CE, as well as their interrelationships, have rarely been explored and examined in the healthcare service industry. Thus, this research aims to develop and validate a CE measurement model by considering the relevant variables by representing three phases of customers’ journey towards healthcare service delivery, namely cognitive, affective, and behaviour responses (CAB-CE). This research was conducted at Malaysian public hospitals. The customers who exp.....

1139 hits

Pembuatan keputusan multi-kriteria untuk kenaikan pangkat kakitangan akademik di Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Awam (IPTA): pendekatan teknik Proses Hierarki Analisis (PHA)
Wan Salmuni Wan Mustaffa
Kenaikan pangkat bagi kakitangan akademik di Institusi Pengajian Tinggi (IPT) merupakan satu isu yang sering menimbulkan kontroversi. Maka, perIunya satu teknik yang dapat membantu pembuat keputusan mempertimbangkan kriteria-kriteria yang merangkumi keseluruhan tugasan, aktiviti dan sumbangan calon supaya pemilihan yang dibuat adalah adil dan berkualiti. Kajian ini membincangkan pembuatan keputusan untuk kenaikan pangkat bagi kakitangan akademik di Institusi Pendidikan Tinggi Awam. Kriteria-kriteria telah dibina berdasarkan 4 komponen iaitu Penyelidikan dan Penerbitan, Pengajaran, Perkhidmatan dan Keperibadian yang mengambil kira pandangan global dan penilaian semasa. Teknik Proses Hierarki Analisis (PHA) telah digunakan bagi menentukan keutamaan kepentingan terhadap komponen serta kriteria-kriteria untuk kenaikan pangkat kakitangan akademik. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan 3 prinsip dalam teknik PHA iaitu penghuraian, pertimbangan perbandingan relatif dan sintesis prioriti. Hasil a.....

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