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Simplified search suggestions : Wang Anqi
Chinese local childrens piano enlightenment works-tradition and innovation in childrens piano works
Wang, Anqi
This study explores the evolution of Chinese local children's piano enlightenment works, focusing on the balance between tradition and innovation. Chinese piano music, deeply rooted in traditional culture and modern piano techniques, holds significant artistic value. Early 20th century initiatives by Xiao Youmei and Zakharoff established a foundation for systematic piano education in China, while competitions such as Tcherepnin's in the 1930s spurred the creation of child-centric piano pieces. Despite interruptions during the Cultural Revolution, post-1980s reforms and the advent of the new millennium have led to a resurgence in culturally responsive piano education materials. These materials often integrate folk tunes and traditional operas, addressing the need for aesthetic appreciation and cultural relevance in children's musical education. The essay highlights the importance of localized piano education in nurturing young learners' appreciation for national music and ensuring the c.....

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