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Simplified search suggestions : Wijaya Daya Negri
Developing of a learning media for smartphones for disaster mitigation education
Wijaya, Daya Negri
Disaster preparedness is an absolute prerequisite for the development of disaster risk reduction. This means that there is no awareness of danger disaster, then the high possibility of both physical and material losses is an inevitable matter. It is a must for humans to be sensitive and care for various possible disasters that can occur in the vicinity stay. Education on disaster mitigation needs to be introduced to the community. This is important to create residents who are responsive and ready for disaster. This paper aims to develop learning media supported by the use of smartphones to increase literacy about volcanic eruption disaster mitigation. This study using research and development with the 4D model. The results of this development are mobile encyclopedia packaged in a smartphone application as a media for volcanic eruption disaster mitigation education. Media and material validation show that the product being developed is very good and worth testing. Besides, the results o.....

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