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Simplified search suggestions : Wong Chee Fah
Effect of CEO power on Malaysian firm performance
Wong Yin Theng, Hooy Chee-Wooi,
806 hits

C-Terminal splice variants Of P/Q-type Ca2+ channel Cav2.1 subunits are differentially regulated by Rab3-interacting molecule proteins
Wong Chee Fah, Hirano Mitsuru, Takada Yoshinori, Yamaguchi Kazuma, Kotani Hiroshi, Kurokawa Tatsuki, Mori Masayuki X., Snutch Terrance P., Ronjat Mich
607 hits

Kodalys teaching method increasing preschool childrens solfege singing skills
Luen Loy Chee, Ayob Aminah, Wong Colleen, Augustine Christine,
2212 hits

Construction of new genetic tools as alternatives for protein overexpression in escherichia coli and pseudomonas aeruginosa
Wong Chee Fah, Raja Abd. Rahman Raja Noor Zaliha, Basri Mahiran, Salleh Abu Bakar,
1111 hits

New azafluorenone derivative and antibacterial activities of alphonsea cylindrica barks
Abdul Talip Munirah, Syed Abdul Azziz Saripah Salbiah, Wong Chee Fah, Awang Khalijah, Naz Humera, Mhd Bakri1 Yuhanis, Ahmad Mohamad Syahrizal, Litaudo
1981 hits

Characterization of thermostable aminoacylase from Geobacillus sp. strain SZN
Wong, Chee Fah
Aminoacylase (EC hydrolyzes N–acetylated amino acids to produce amino acids. Although thermostable aminoacylase has been commercially produced since 2004, there was a knowledge gap in the field of understanding aminoacylase thermostability from a structural point of view. This study investigated the physical and structural properties of the purified thermostable aminoacylase SZN. The spectropolarimetry data for structural determination has indicated a gradual decrease of α-helix from 36 to 27.6%, followed by tremendous disorientation of the structure at the transition of temperatures from 60 to 70°C (27.6 to 19.5%). In contrast, the percentage of β-sheet has increased steadily over the tested temperatures. The α-helix, where notable metal binding and catalytic residues are located, was totally weakened at temperatures above 70?C, thus resulted in loss of activity. The loss of the α-helical structure could further explain drastic deterioration of activity at temperature.....

947 hits

Contribution of coiled-coil assembly to Ca2+/ calmodulin-dependent inactivation of TRPC6 channel and its impacts on FSGS-associated phenotypes
Wong, Chee Fah
Background TRPC6 is a nonselective cation channel, and mutations of this gene are associated with FSGS. These mutations are associated with TRPC6 current amplitude amplification and/or delay of the channel inactivation (gain-of-function phenotype). However, the mechanism of the gain-of-function in TRPC6 activity has not yet been clearly solved. Methods We performed electrophysiologic, biochemical, and biophysical experiments to elucidate the molecular mechanism underlying calmodulin (CaM)-mediated Ca2+-dependent inactivation (CDI) of TRPC6. To address the pathophysiologic contribution of CDI, we assessed the actin filament organization in cultured mouse podocytes. Results Both lobes of CaMhelped induce CDI.Moreover, CaM binding to the TRPC6 CaM-binding domain (CBD) was Ca2+-dependent and exhibited a 1:2 (CaM/CBD) stoichiometry. The TRPC6 coiled-coil assembly, which brought two CBDs into adequate proximity, was essential for CDI. Deletion of the coiled-coil slowed CDI of TRPC6, indica.....

562 hits

Development of genetic tools for protein overexpression from pseudomonas
Wong, Chee Fah
Overexpression of a number of industrially- and medically-important proteins is always a challenge for most researchers as genes from bacterial hosts especially from the opportunistic pathogen, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, as well as from other Pseudomonads were reported to be poorly expressed in E. coli. Examples continue to be published demonstrating that certain Pseudomonas proteins cannot be expressed at satisfactory levels in E. coli owing to their promoter variations, absence of specific molecular activators and poor protein translation. Nevertheless, the extension of E. coli-based technology to Pseudomonas can be used to overcome such barriers. In this chapter, the evolution and modification of genetic tools ranging from types of promoters, elements for interspecies transfer, origins of replications, regulatory genes, genes facilitating in genome integration and host strains, used in the construction of Escherichia-Pseudomonas shuttle expression vectors will be explored and discussed.....

671 hits

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