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Total records found : 84 |
Simplified search suggestions : Wong Kok Yaw |
1 | 2009 monograph | Intention of computer technology integration among trainee teachers and its factors Wong Kung Teck, 3912 hits |
2 | 2016 thesis | Rhythmic transitions during game playing session: a case study of Malaysian gamers Muhammad Fadhil Wong Abdullah This research investigates the actions of gamers during the in-game cut-scenes transitions and how they adapt in multiple higher level actions during their game playing sessions. Drawing on Mediated Discourse Analysis and Multimodal Interaction Analysis, the exact lower-level action - pressing a button and higher-level action - playing a game provides important insights throughout the entire video game playing session obtained through video ethnography method. Video data of 5760 minutes were collected over a period of twelve weeks from four participants. Videos transcription and multimodal transcript were utilized to further explain the complex interaction between the video gamer and the video game playing. The term ‘Rhythmic Transitions’ was derived from this research which explains the switching over from the primarily focused attention away during cut-scenes provided us with a perfectly linked and synchronized rhythm of actions. Findings provide important insights to games’ de..... 4218 hits |
3 | 2016 article | Student teachers level of reflection during teacher clinical experience: a case study in a Malaysian university Wong Yeou Min, Mansor Rosnidar, Samsudin Syakirah, 3178 hits |
4 | 2016 article | Pembinaan dan penilaian makmal maya (Nora VLab) untuk menerapkan kemahiran proses Sains dalam kalangan murid Abdullah Norazilawati, Mohamed Noh Noraini, Wong Kung Teck, Hamzah Mahizer, Kajian ini bertujuan membina dan menilai makmal maya (Nora VLab) yang berasaskan aplikasi multimedia bagi menerapkan kemahiran proses sains dalam kalangan murid. Terdapat tiga objektif kajian ini iaitu membangunkan perisian makmal maya (Nora VLab) dalam satu sub tajuk iaitu “Ketumpatan”, mengkaji kebolehgunaan perisian Nora VLab dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran serta mengkaji kebolehgunaan perisian Nora VLab untuk membantu murid dalam penerapan kemahiran proses sains. Model rekabentuk pengajaran ADDIE diguna sebagai panduan rekabentuk Nora VLab. Kajian ini terdiri daripada tiga fasa. Fasa pertama kajian bertujuan untuk mengumpul maklumat tentang kesukaran dan kekerapan tajuk Ketumpatan terdapat dalam sukatan mata pelajaran sains, model pembelajaran serta reka bentuk yang sesuai. Fasa kedua kajian adalah untuk membangunkan perisian Nora VLab. Susunan konsep dan kemahiran dalam perisian Nora VLab adalah berdasarkan Teori Kognitivisme, Teori Konstruktivisme dan Teori Kontekstu..... 5714 hits |
5 | 2013 thesis | Assessing elementary school students creative-thinking abilities in music Wong, Colleen Assessing Elementary School Students' Creative-Thinking Abilities in Music. Colleen Wong, 2013: Applied Dissertation, Nova Southeastern University, Abraham S. Fischler School of Education. ERlC Descriptors: Music Education, Elementary School Students, Performance, Assessment Music education has been part of Malaysian elementary school students and the implementation of it has been going on for many years in the school. Throughout the years, children have been fostered with creative-thinking skills that are considered one of the main components in the learning process. Music has linked students to be part of activities such as improvisation, composition, and instrument playing and collaborating with divergent and convergent thinking. This study was conducted in 1 government elementary school in Perak, Malaysia. Fifty students from 2 classes participated in this study; 21 nonintervention students and 29 intervention students. The Measure of Creative Thinking in Music (MCTM) was used to t..... 2745 hits |
6 | 2015 thesis | Stress, coping and emotions among Malaysian elite tenpin bowlers: a mixed methods approach Wong, Sook Kwan This research aimed to examine stressors, coping and emotions among Malaysian elite bowlers at pre-competition (PRE) and match days (MD). A total of fifteen elite bowlers completed diary packs on three occasions reporting stressors, coping strategies, coping effectiveness, emotions and its intensity and twelve of them were interviewed. One of the competitions was categorized as minor (MIN), whereas two as major competitions (MAJ). Data analyses used both quantitative and qualitative methods. Findings from diary revealed five stressors reoccurred over time. Additional three stressors were probed via interviews which did not report in diary. Problem-focused coping were the most reported strategies but only effective at different contexts; emotion-focused coping (EFC) was preferred at MD but only effective at PRE; while avoidance coping was the least reported and rated effective in MIN but not MAJ. Participants used more EFC in both gain- and loss-relational meanings. Positive emotions we..... 1632 hits |
7 | 2016 article | Pembelajaran teradun: satu tinjauan literatur terhadap faktor-faktor penerimaan guru melalui model-model penerimaan Yeop Mohd Azli, Kung Teck Wong, Mohamed Noh Noraini, Penulisan ini akan membincangkan faktor-faktor penerimaan guru terhadap pendekatan Pembelajaran Teradun berdasarkan model-model penerimaan terdahulu yang telah stabil. Faktor-faktor penerimaan guru terhadap pendekatan Pembelajaran Teradun dikenal pasti melalui tinjauan literature dan tinjuan ringkas-temubual semi berstruktur. Tujuan penulisan ini adalah untuk membincangkan secara terperinci pembentukan dan penetapan faktor-faktor penerimaan guru terhadap Pembelajaran Teradun berdasarkan model-model terdahulu bagi persekitaran pembelajaran sekolah-sekolah Malaysia. Hasil penulisan ini diharap dapat memberi gambaran lengkap berkenaan faktor-faktor penerimaan guru dan ianya mampu menjadi panduan kepada pelaksana polisi bagi menjayakan pendekatan Pembelajaran Teradun di Malaysia.. 8212 hits |
8 | 2016 article | Trends and factors for dropout among secondary school students in Perak Mokshein Siti Eshah, Kung Teck Wong, Ibrahim Haniz, The study sought to investigate the dropout trends and patterns among the secondary school students by district in Perak. The study employed a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods involving cohort flow analysis of student enrolment, interviews and document analysis. In the first part, student enrolment by grade level in 2000-2010 in all the nine districts in Perak from the database provided by the Ministry of Education was analyzed. In the second part, data were gathered through interviews from Batang Padang District that demonstrated highest dropout rate so as to further understand why secondary school students dropped out from schools, what are those students doing after leaving schools and explore their views on what could have been done to keep them in schools. Results showed that average of total loss between Form 1 and Form 5 in Perak State was 8.11 percent. The highest percentage of dropout was in Batang Padang (16.52%), followed by Manjung (11.9%), Hilir Perak (1..... 2543 hits |
9 | 2012 article | Effects of determinants for computer use among teachers in Malaysia Kung Teck Wong, Swee Pauline Choo Goh, Osman Rosma, This study seeks to identify effects of determinants for computers use among teachers in Malaysia. In Malaysia, there is widespread recognition that computer can play a powerful role in supplementing and complimenting the process of teacher’s teaching and learning. Given current recognition of the value of computer integration, as well as the investment costs that technologies represent for schools, this study attempted to develop a model which demonstrates the variables that affect computer use among teachers and which also explain its interactions. The proposed research model is based on previous models of technology acceptance. Three variables (computer teaching efficacy, computer attitude and learning outcomes) were selected to build a model for this study. Methodologically, Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) was used as the main technique for data analysis. The findings support the notion that computer attitudes, computer teaching efficacy and learning outcomes have effects on ..... 3595 hits |
10 | 2012 article | Student-teachers approaches to learning, academic performance and teaching efficacy Choo Pauline Goh Swee, Teck Wong Kung, Osman Rosma, Purpose - It is argued that the approaches to learning of students undergoing teacher training are likely to be related to their teaching and learning environment, especially as they move from a more regimented, structured learning environment in school to a tertiary learning environment that encourages more independent thinking and perhaps questions ideas. Therefore, this investigation has an overall goal to use the unique approaches to learning (surface and deep approaches) of students in a teacher preparation program to address the needs of this particular group of students during their teacher education. The study examines the associations between scores on student-teachers’ approaches to learning, their academic performance and teaching efficacy. Methodology – The approach to learning instrument used was the Bahasa Melayu R-SPQ-2F and the teaching efficacy was collected through the Bahasa Melayu Teachers’ Sense of Efficacy Scale (TSES). The sample for this study was a total ..... 3077 hits |
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