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Simplified search suggestions : Xuemeng Zhang
The semantic concept of present tenses in surah An-Nisaa
Xuemeng, Zhang
In this study, the researcher examined the semantic concept of mudhari’ verbs (present tenses) in Surah An-Nisaa’ by analyzing 15 such verbs out of 134 verbs contained in the surah, which was selected because it has a high number of mudhari’ verbs. Content analysis and observations were used to examine the semantic concept based on the grammar and morphology of such verbs. Descriptive, analytical, and library methods were also used to interpret and record the mudhari’ verbs. The study was carried out by examining the i’rab function of verses, i’rab instrument, such as rafa’, nasab, and jazam, and the use of such verbs. The constructive development of mudhari’ verbs was also examined by focusing on zidah, nuqsan, islah, and sihat that have a profound impact on such a development. Research findings showed that mudhari’ verbs are the most common tense used in Surah An-Nisaa’, as they relate to present and future events. Also, the meaning of each verb varies .....

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