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Simplified search suggestions : Yashene Suppiah |
1 | 2022 thesis | Development of Self Directed Problem Based Learning (PBL) module for high school Biology Yashene Suppiah This research aims to develop a valid and reliable Self-Directed PBL module using the
adapted recommendations found in the models provided by Problem-Based Learning
Network (PBLN) at Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy (IMSA) and the
instructional design model for ill-structured problem-solving by D. H. Jonassen. These
design concepts were combined to meet the module development model proposed by
Sidek’s Model. Biology educator’s perception towards the Self- Directed PBL
module’s learning guide, facilitator guide, problem scenario assessment, self-directed
learning planning assessment and learning activity were investigated using quantitative
approaches. A total of 44 educators were selected using random sampling from a
population of 50 in one of the Perak districts. The validity and reliability of the module
were measured using percentage of expert agreement and Cronbach’s Alpha
respectively. A set of questionnaire was adapted and used to investigate the biolog..... 221 hits |