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Simplified search suggestions : Yi Feng
Summer Dreams a concept album of western pop music inspired by love
Yi, Feng
This concept album is a recording of compositions which consists of stories with a specific theme, various genres and styles that connect one song to another. The main aim of the research is to organise, revise and orchestrate a collection of her existing songs, and write new songs which fit the idea to be put into a concept album. In this research, the concept album title, ‘Summer Dreams’, contains ten songs, and they are inspired by a man. The researcher places ‘Love’ as the subject and life experiences as starting points in the creation of this concept album and utilised practice-led, practicebased and autoethnography as the methodologies of the creative process in this research. The challenges faced in the production of this concept album was to preserve the quality of each song that was created in the process of recording and post-production and, at the same time, ensure the connectivity of each song in it. The creation of this concept album details the process .....

465 hits

Secondary school students perceptions of classroom environment in Malaysia and China
Heng Jing
Kajian  ini  bertujuan  membandingkan  persepsi  pelajar  sekolah  menengah  tentang persekitaran    bilik   darjah   di   Malaysia   dan   China.   Penyelidikan   kuantitatif   ini menggunakan  instrumen Student Perceptions of Classroom Quality  (SPOCQ) untuk mengumpul  data.  Sejumlah  260   orang  pelajar  dari  tiga  buah  sekolah  menengah  di Tanjung Malim, Malaysia dan 351 orang  pelajar dari empat buah sekolah menengah di Wilayah Feng, China telah dipilih secara rawak sebagai  responden kajian ini. Analisis deskriptif  dan  analisis  inferensi  digunakan  untuk  menganalisis   data  yang  dikumpul. Analisis  deskriptif  menggambarkan  tahap  persepsi  pelajar  sekolah   menengah  di Malaysia  dan China  terhadap  persekitaran  bilik darjah  dalam lima  faktor  iaitu   daya tarikan, cabaran, pilihan, pengertian dan efikasi kendiri akademik. Statistik inferensi  menggunakan ujian-t untuk menunjukkan p.....

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