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Simplified search suggestions : Yusri Yakub
The influence of infrastructure, accountability and teacher competency towards teaching process implementation in Physical Education and Health
Yusri Yakub
The purpose of this study is to look and review the implementation of Physical Education and Health (PJK) teaching in secondary schools as well as factors that support teaching and learning. This PJK subject in school covers aspects of infrastructure and equipment as well as teachers' accountability and competency involved in the implementation of the teaching for this subject. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between teacher competency, accountability and teaching experience, options and graduation. The findings also show that there is a significant relationship between school facilities in the teaching and learning process of PJK. In conclusion, the effectiveness of the teaching and learning process in Physical Education and Health subjects depends on the competency, accountability of teachers and school infrastructure in planning well teaching sessions..

837 hits

Tingkah laku kepimpinan pengetua dan hubungannya dengan tekanan kerja guru setiausaha sukan di sekolah-sekolah menengah negeri Perak
Yusri Yakub
Kajian ini bertujuan untuk melihat hubungan antara tingkah laku kepimpinan pengetua dimensi struktur tugas dan struktur konsiderasi dengan tekanan kerja guru setiausaha sukan di sekolah-sekolah menengah di seluruh Negeri Perak. Kajian ini juga melihat tahap tekanan kerja serta mengenalpasti dimensi tingkah laku kepimpinan yang sering menjadi amalan pengetua di sekolah menengah. Data kajian ini diperolehi melalui soal selidik yang diterima daripada 130 orang guru setiausaha sukan di sekolah-sekolah menengah seluruh Negeri Perak. Penyelidik menggunakan instrumen Leadership Behaviour Discription Questionnaire (LBDQ) bagi mengukur tingkah laku kepimpinan pengetua dan instrumen Teacher Stress lnventory (TSI) bagi mengukur tahap tekanan guru setiausaha sukan sekolah. Data dianalisis menggunakan perisian SPSS versi 11.0. Hasil kajian menunjukkan terdapatnya hubungan rendah dan negatit antara tingkah laku kepimpinan pengetua dan tekanan kerja, juga tingkah laku kepimpinan pengetua.....

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