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Simplified search suggestions : Zaiton Othman
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Zaiton Othman
This research entitled ‘Types of Greeting for Language Teaching’ is focused on pronouns and also addressitivity in the Malay Language. Even though, both of them have different functions, the pronouns can sometimes take the place of addressitivity. It happens due to the usage or pronouns is closely related to addressitivity, especially in the Malay Language. Besides that, this research has been carried out thoroughly by using the library and observation methods. Questions are set up carefully to produce accurate results. The main resources for this research are a book entitled ‘Sejarah Melayu’, written by W.G. Shellabear (1896), 10th Edition (1984), speech texts and other materials. The result shows that pronouns and addressitivity have different functions and usage. In an informal situation, the usage or functions of pronouns and addressitivity is not as strict as its usage ini formal situation. Other than that, this research also shows that there are a few differences in the u.....

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