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Simplified search suggestions : Zulfikar Hasan
Islamic banking in Indonesia and globalization in era 4.0
Zulfikar Hasan
This research looks at how the influence of globalization 4.0 on the Islamic banking sector. Globalization is the interrelation and dependence between nations and between people throughout the world through trade, investment, travel, popular culture, and other forms of interaction so that the boundaries of a country become increasingly narrow. The positive impact of globalization is a change in values and attitudes, the development of science and technology, a better level of life. This study uses a qualitative method, where the author looks at how Islamic banking in Indonesia is facing an increasingly sophisticated era of globalization. With globalization, economic competition between countries cannot be undeniably more stringent. Automatically in the banking world will also experience competition between banks. Likewise, the presence of the sharia system in every economic activity will certainly lead to competition between the conventional system and the sharia system. In more detail.....

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