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Total records found : 17 |
Simplified search suggestions : Zuraidah Zainol |
1 | 2008 monograph | Pengaruh tahap pendidikan dan program latihan ke atas survival perniagaan bumiputera Mohd Shokory Suzyanty, Zainol Zuraidah, Hashim Asmawi, Melalui penganjuran pelbagai program pendidikan dan latihan yang berteraskan kepada pembudayaan keusahawanan, latihan asas perniagaan dan kursus-kursus teknikal, terdapat peningkatan dalam penglibatan kaum Bumiputera dalam bidang perniagaan. Namun, sejauh manakah usaha-usaha membudayakan keusahawanan melalui pendidikan dan latihan ini mampu menyumbang kepada kejayaan dan survival sesebuah perniagaan? Sehubungan itu, kajian ini cuba untuk menilai sejauh mana tahap pendidikan usahawan Bumiputera dan penglibatan mereka dalam programprogram latihan berupaya mempengaruhi kejayaan usahawan Bumiputera dalam menerajui perniagaan dan seterusnya menjamin survival perniagaan tersebut. Data yang diperoleh melalui edaran soal selidik kepada 1000 orang usahawan Bumiputera di seluruh Malaysia dianalisis menggunakan perisian Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) dengan melibatkan analisis deskriptif dan ujian Pearson Chi-square. Dapatan kajian seterusnya mendedahkan bahawa untuk menjamin surv..... 2780 hits |
2 | 2008 monograph | Kecenderungan graduan untuk menceburi bidang perniagaan sebagai kerjaya Hashim Asmawi, Zainol Zuraidah, Mohd Shokory Suzyanty, Menyedari hakikat pentingnya sumbangan keusahawanan ke atas pertumbuhan ekonomi sesebuah negara, kerajaan telah mengambil langkah drastik untuk memperhebatkan usaha mempromosikan dan membudayakan keusahawanan di kalangan masyarakat terutarnanya golongan muda. Ekoran daripada itu, bilangan usahawan yang memulakan perniagaan pada usia yang lebih muda di Malaysia semakin meningkat. Malahan, ada juga di kalangan mereka ini yang memiliki kelayakan pendidikan yang lebih tinggi. Meskipun begitu, laporan akhbar di sekitar tahun 2005 menunjukkan bilangan pengangguran di kalangan graduan adalah cukup tinggi. Timbul satu persoalan di sini, adakah para graduan tersebut tidak langsung berminat untuk menceburi bidang perniagaan dan mengharapkan keijaya makan gaji semata-mata? Sehubungan itu, bagi mengenal pasti mekanisme sesuai untuk menarik minat graduan untuk bekeija sendiri, kajian ini cuba menilai faktor-faktor yang memotivasikan usahawan graduan untuk memilih perniagaan sebagai kerjaya. Data un..... 2927 hits |
3 | 2014 thesis | The effects of customer-brand relationship investments on customer engagement Zuraidah Zainol Achieving a strong customer-brand relationship is indeed a winning differentiating strategy for companies to survive in today's highly competitive marketplace. However, due to limited studies and narrow approach, the existing literature has not yet provided sufficient explanation on the contributing factors in the establishment of a strong customer-brand relationship. Recognizing the critical role of relationship investment and customer engagement, this research aims to investigate the influence of customer and brand investments on customer engagement. Specifically, this research extends the Resource Investment model by Morais et al. (2004) and empirically examines the effects of customer-brand relationship investments' dimensions on customer engagement, the effect of brand investment dimensions on customer investment dimensions, the mediating effect of customer investment dimensions and the moderating role of relationship duration. To test the proposed framework, this research adopted..... 883 hits |
4 | 2016 article | Differences in the consumer literacy of the nutrition label across demographic factors Ramdan Mohamad Rohieszan, Zainol Zuraidah, Osman Juliana, Yahaya Rusliza, The worsening obesity problem in Malaysia has urged various efforts from various parties to address them. The effective use of the nutrition labels is widely accepted and used as one of the efficient measures to address obesity. However, previous studies on the literacy of the nutrition label, especially among Malaysian consumers are still limited. Therefore, this study was conducted to assess the differences in consumers’ literacy of the nutrition label by demographic factors, such as gender, age, education level, income level and ethnicity. This study adopted survey technique and employed a quantitative approach. The sample consisted of 200 respondents, which were selected using random cluster sampling. Data collected were analyzed using Independent Sample T-Test and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The results showed that the literacy of the nutrition label varies significantly by gender and ethnicity, but the difference was not significant by age, education level and income level. S..... 3352 hits |
5 | 2016 article | Ethical attitudes of accounting and business students : Malaysian evidence Yahaya Rusliza, Zainol Zuraidah, Ahamad Rapani Norhanani, Mat Norwani Norlia, Samsudin Norsamsinar, Mat Jizat Jessnor Elmy, Ethical crises in business have gained more attention from public and have led many to question the effectiveness of ethics education in university. Therefore, this study was designed to investigate the ethical attitudes of accounting and business students, their willingness to become whistleblowers, and the impact of ethics education on students’ ethical attitude. A total of 275 usable questionnaires that consists of four ethical scenarios were analysed. The findings of the study show that a small percentage of accounting and business students are willing to involve in unethical behaviour. About 10.9% of students were categorized as unethical as they would cheat in an examination and that only 1% of the students would accept bribes to defraud the tax office. Once an element of risk of being caught was introduced, the percentage of students willing to cheat in an examination and those willing to defraud the tax office decrease to 4.8% and 0.7% respectively. The finding also shows tha..... 2051 hits |
6 | 2014 article | Relationship investment in relationship marketing research: a bibliographic review Zainol Zuraidah, Mohd Yasin Norjaya, Nik Hashim Nik M. Hazrul, Omar Nor Asiah, This study aims to identify the limitations of relationship investment research in relationship marketing domain. Based upon 53 relevant journal articles, the results of content analysis reveal limited studies on the integrated effect of customer and partner investments and the effect of relationship investment’s dimensions, particularly in customer-brand relationship domain. The findings stimulate and guide future research to explain the role of relationship investment in relationship marketing. This study is perhaps one of few attempts to identify and evaluate extant relationship marketing literatures on the role of relationship investment in a systematic and integrative manner... 1573 hits |
7 | 2017 article | The effect of authoritative school climate on students academic achievement Ismail Siti Syamimi, Zainol Zuraidah, 1310 hits |
8 | 2017 article | Online purchase intention among school teachers: extension of technology acceptance model (TAM) Zainol Zuraidah, Yazit Roihan, Zakaria Thuraiya, Habidin Nurul Fadly, Osman Juliana, 2744 hits |
9 | 2017 article | Student engagement towards HEIs: relationship marketing perspective Zainol Zuraidah, Yahaya Rusliza, Osman Juliana, Mohamed Monizaihasra, 1980 hits |
10 | 2017 article | The role of ar-rahn in enhancing financial inclusion: a structural equation modeling approach Abdul Razak Azila, Muhammad Fidlizan, Mohd Hussin Mohd Yahya, Zainol Zuraidah, Abd. Hadi Fatimah Salwa, 8797 hits |
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