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Total records found : 490
Keberkesanan strategi pengajaran al-Amin terhadap kefahaman akhlak pelajar sekolah menengah agama Selatan Thailand
Muhammad Umudee
This study is conducted to construct and examine the usage of al-Amin’s Strategy (SPA) of Akhlak Lessons in bringing up the akhlak-consciousness of form three students in Narathiwat and Pattani provinces. Al-Amin’s Strategy (SPA) are designed based on the Quranic verses 21-34 chapter of Taha, which describes the stories on the values of honesty shown by Prophet Moses a.s (al-Amin) highlighting on the strategy model of learning and teaching aid, the concept of knowing Allah, mastering knowledge, self improvement and soul cleansing. Ideas from al-Amin’s Strategy (SPA) are referred from personality model and cognitive (Mohd. Daud Hamzah & Abd. Kadir Arifin, 2000) and concepts from al-Ghazali (1993) assimilated into the model for Instruction System of Dick & Carrey (2009). The research is conducted through reading the Quasi-Experiment Design by comparing the effectiveness between al-Amin’s Strategy (SPA) and Traditional teaching strategy (Strategi Pengajaran Traditional /SPT) the d.....

6244 hits

Persepsi terhadap keberkesanan pembelajaran aktif dalam pengajian dan pembelajaran mata pelajaran ekonomi asas tingkatan empat
Seow Yea Pyng
Kajian ini dijalankan untuk menilai keberkesanan kaedah pembelajaran aktif dalam meningkatkan pencapaian akademik, minat, motivasi dan interaksi sosial pelajar bagi mata pelajaran Ekonomi Asas Tingkatan Empat berbanding dengan kaedah tradisional ‘chalk-and-talk’. Instrumen kajian yang digunakan ialah Ujian Pra dan Ujian Pencapaian, rancangan mengajar harian dan soal selidik. Kajian ini dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan reka bentuk eksperimen kuasi. Responden kajian terdiri daripada 64 orang pelajar Tingkatan Empat di sebuah sekolah menengah Daerah Kinta Selatan, Perak. Seramai 34 orang pelajar dari sebuah kelas dijadikan kumpulan rawatan yang mengikuti aktiviti-aktiviti pembelajaran aktif, sementara 30 orang pelajar dari satu kelas lagi dijadikan kumpulan kawalan yang mengikuti kaedah tradisional ‘chalk-and-talk’. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan teknik Analisis Kovarians (ANCOVA) dan Ujian-T Sampel Berpasangan. Hasil ANCOVA menunjukkan terdapat kesan kaedah pembela.....

3765 hits

Keberkesanan perisian permainan komputer fracblock dalam pembelajaran pecahan di sekolah rendah
Yusri Abdullah
This research has developed an educational computer based software named FracBlock to enhance learning the topic ?fraction? for year 4. This software is used as an enhancement activity and to help students to master the topic. FracBlock software is developed based on the Multimedia Development Alessi & Trollip Model. The design of this research is Quasi Pre & Post Trial method with a controlled group. The sampel for this research is sixty students from year 4, comprising thirty for the treatment group and another thirty for the controlled group. This research also determines the change in student‘s attitude towards computer and learning mathematics after using the FracBlock software and evaluating the software. The change in attitude is measured using questionnaire which was translated from the Yong Children’s Computer Inventory and childrens attitude towards learning mathematics is measured with also a questionnaire translated from the Fennema-Sherman Attitude Scales. The quality .....

5097 hits

Pembinaan dan keberkesanan penggunaan perisian multimedia elektrokimia dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran kimia tingkatan 4
Hasnira Embong
In this study, the researcher developed a courseware, Perisian Multimedia Elektrokimia (PME) and studied its effectiveness as a learning aid. PME has been designed to be consistent with the form four chemistry syllabus for electrochemistry. The methodology for PME was based on the model designed by Allessi and Trollip (2001). Tutorial was used as the main pedagogical approach, while drill and practice, and simulation complete the scenario. PME was developed systematically based on behaviourism, cognitive and constructivism learning theories. Authorware 6.5 was used as the main programming software, while Macromedia Flash 5 was used to develop the animation elements. A questionaire was administered among the chemistry teachers in the district of Batang Padang secondary schools. They gave positive evaluation on PME. The effectiveness of PME as a learning aid was examined through a quasi experimental study carried out on 60 form four students from a secondary school in the district of Bat.....

2495 hits

Keberkesanan tiga kaedah mengulangkaji terhadap pencapaian markah Fizik pelajar tingkatan lima
Raja Sarimah Raja Alias
The purpose of this research is to identify the most effective revision method to students’ achievement in Physics and to determine students’ perceptions towards the revision methods being studied. During the research, three group of students revised Force and Pressure, a topic of Form Four Physics syllabus using three revision method modules. The three modules were Traditional Module Revision Method (KT), Self-Study Module Revision Method (KK) and Workshop Module Revision Method (KB) representing the traditional revision method, self study revision method and workshop revision method respectively. A total of 120 students from 165 of Form Five students from Sekolah Berasrama Penuh Integrasi Rawang were the participants and were chosen using purposeful sampling. The participants were randomly divided into three groups for each revision method module being researched. This research is an experimental research with Pre-post Test Treatment and Control Group Experimental Design. The ins.....

3630 hits

Pembinaan dan penilaian keberkesanan bahan pembelajaran konsep Mol berasaskan web dalam meningkatkan pencapaian pelajar
Samsuri Budin@Sudin
The purpose of this research is to develop and evaluate the effectiveness of Laman Web Konsep Mol to increase students archievements. The website was designed and developed based on Dick & Carey (1996) instructional design model and web design principle by Drew (2000). Student's preferences that were taken into consideration in the web design were the learning strategies, screen design and interaction design. The tools used for web development are Macromedia Deramveaver mx and Microsoft Access xp. Evaluation website consist of thirty two form four students from a school in Batang Padang district, six chemistry teachers and one university lecturer. The experts and teachers who evaluated the website gave positive respons on the learning strategies used in the laman web konsep mol. The topic selected for this research is mole concept for form four students in helping the students to overcome their learning difficulties in mole concept. A quasi-experimental approach, pretest - posttest des.....

1534 hits

Pembelajaran untuk kefahaman - kajian keberkesanan pengajaran dan pembelajaran sejarah menggunakan teori pembelajaran konstruktivisme
Abd Malek Selamat
This case study research aims at giving a description of the teaching and learning of history in a secondary school. It then proceeds to elaborate the teaching and learning process that occurs, based on the use of a Constructivist Teaching Module for History (MPKdS being its acronym in the Malay Language), designed based on Needham’s “Phases in Teaching Schemes”. The study involves four phases: Orientation Phase, Observation Phase, Participation Phase and Consolidation Phase. Sampling in the Observation phase consisted of six teachers and seven students. For the Participation Phase, a sample of 28 form four students were selected. They were divided into two groups of fourteen students each. Both the groups underwent two lessons using the MPKdS module. The findings of the study showed that the teaching and learning of history was geared more towards the need of preparing the students for examinations, to the extent that it detracted from the actual purpose of learning history for .....

2439 hits

Kajian keberkesanan perlaksanaan pengajaran dan pembelajaran Pendidikan Seni Visual KBSR
Hassan Iberahim, Hj.Arshad Mohd Zaihidee, Ibrahim Md.Nasir, Omar Jamilah,
7732 hits

Keberkesanan pembelajaran kolaboratif berasaskan portal pembelajaran dalam kalangan pelajar PPISMP, institut pendidikan guru
Zunaidi Yusoh
The purpose of this research was to develop learning portal for students of Institut Pendidikan Guru Kampus Sultan Mizan Besut Terengganu and to determine the portal’s effectiveness and quality based on the theory of constructivism. The portal was developed using open source software, “moodle” as a platform. All the teaching materials used in the portal were developed by the researcher. The study used quasi experimental design to determine the effectivenes of the portal. A sample of 83 respondents of the Institut Pendidikan Guru Kampus Sultan Mizan’s Semester 1 Ijazah Sarjana Muda Perguruan Preparatory Programme (PPISMP) July 2008 took part in the study. The t-test show that the measure of the post test result of the experimental group was higher than the control group (t (136)= 6.03, p=.00). This shows that the learning portal has an effect on the students’ learning. The study also shows that the learning portal is able to create a condusive learning environment and its usag.....

845 hits

Keberkesanan kaedah kooperatif cantuman (Jigsaw) dalam tajuk haba pembakaran untuk mata pelajaran Kimia tingkatan 5
Yeo, Chong Eu
On the basis of my own teaching experience and literature review, it was shown that many students were not able to master concepts of chemistry particularly in the topic of heat of combustion and they are less interested in this subject. Research findings also indicate that students rarely interact nor willing to assist friends during lesson. This research was conducted to determine the effectiveness of jigsaw cooperative teaching method on four dependent variables, namely (1) students’ understanding of concepts in chemistry particularly in the topic of heat of combustion; (2) interest in chemistry; (3) level of interaction during lesson; and (4) attitudes toward assisting friends during lesson. A total of 64 students from a school in Teluk Intan was used as research samples. Quasi experimental method using a teaching module regarding the said topic as the learning context was applied to students from the experimental group while the control group was subjected to conventional teachi.....

2129 hits

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