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Simplified search suggestions : Adi Jafar
Examining the Reading Anxiety Phenomenon of Arab EFL learners
Batiha, Jafar
The anxiety phenomenon has been widely acknowledged as one of the mostimportant psychological phenomena. Theorists and second language researchers claimed that anxiety and language learning are associated. Thus learners who portray low levels of anxiety allow more and better input into the brain, increasing their language learning performance. However this may not be the case for many learners of English as a foreign language (EFL). They face challenges of learning new vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation and reading in the target language. In reading, most of the texts require critical synthesis, evaluation and interpretation to comprehend the authors’ point of views. These reading experiences may increase students’ levels of anxiety if they are unprepared for such demands. As a result, learners become tense and continue to experience high levels of anxiety as they suffer from poor performance in their studies. The objective of this paper is to examine the reading anxiety phenomenon.....

262 hits

Adaptasi masyarakat terhadap bahaya banjir: kajian kes Kg. Bekalau, Beaufort, Sabah, Malaysia
Adi Jafar
Risiko berhadapan dengan bahaya banjir semakin meningkat seiring dengan pertambahan jumlah populasi penduduk di kawasan dataran banjir dari semasa ke semasa. Namun demikian, demi meneruskan kelangsungan hidup, masyarakat dataran banjir khususnya di Daerah Beaufort melakukan strategi adaptasi dengan harapan untuk membentuk daya tahan (resilience) ketika berhadapan dengan bencana tersebut. Oleh itu, kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti strategi adaptasi yang diaplikasikan oleh penduduk di dataran banjir Beaufort dan menilai keberkesanan strategi adaptasi tersebut dalam mengurangkan risiko kerugian akibat banjir. Oleh hal demikian, seramai 30 orang penduduk Kg. Bekalau telah dijadikan sampel kajian untuk menjawab borang soal selidik yang telah disediakan. Data mentah yang diperoleh melalui edaran borang soal selidik seterusnya dianalisis secara deskriptif menggunakan analisis tabulasi silang dan frekuensi. Analisis kajian ini mendapati terdapat beberapa jenis strategi adaptasi yang d.....

309 hits

Integrating reader response theory into EFL Classroom at Farhangian University
Rahimipour, Saeid
The integration of literature in TEFL has recently achieved a profound status. The applicability and efficiency of RRT in EFL settings are great educational objectives. This article deals with the introduction of Reader Response Theory to language teaching in Teacher Training Centers. The subjects were 120 sophomore students at Farhangian University, Shahid Modaress and Imam Jafar-e-Sadegh Campuses. An experimental design was used in the study. Instead of offering the regular teaching textbooks, eight grade-three short stories were presented for language teaching purposes. The data analysis revealed that the application of RRA to teaching general English in Farhangian University proved to be highly successful and it improved the learners’ language learning significantly. This proved to be highly successful with girls than boys. The incorporation of Reader Response Theory is highly recommended in university curriculum for better language learning and teaching.  ..

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