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Simplified search suggestions : Nur Haziyanti Mohamad Khalid
Pembinaan modul latihan mindfulness acceptance commitment-physical (MAC-P) untuk daya tahan aerobik
Nur Haziyanti Mohamad Khalid
8141 hits

"Enhancing anaerobic performance using mindfulness acceptance commitment-physical (MAC-P) training approach "
Nur Haziyanti Mohamad Khalid
This  study  examined  the  effect  of  Mindfulness  Acceptance  Commitment-Physical  (MAC-P)  on anaerobic performance. The MAC-P specifically designed for anaerobic training, and has its validity and  reliability.  The  study used  non-randomized  control  group  pretest-posttest  design.  Research instrument consisted of Wingate Test to evaluate anaerobic performance in terms of peak power, mean power and anaerobic fatigue index. Subjects were semester one Coaching Science students from Sultan Idris Education University, divided into MAC-P (n = 21), PST (n = 21) and control (n = 21) group.  Analysis  of  Covariance  (ANCOVA)  showed  significant  effect  of  the  intervention  on  the achievement of post anaerobic peak power [F(2, 59) = 19.18, p < 0.05] and mean power [F(2, 59) = 3.60, p < 0.05]. However, the interventions did not have significant effect on post anaerobic fatigue. In conclusion, the MAC-P has prominent effect on  anaerobic performance.....

7294 hits

Penilaian kemahiran mental ke arah prestasi cemerlang atlet boling ten-pin MSSM 2018 negeri Perak
Nur Haziyanti Mohamad Khalid
Kajian ini bertujuan mengenal pasti tahap kemahiran mental dalam kalangan atlet pelajar sekolah. Kajian dilakukan secara tinjauan terhadap 24 pemain boling ten-pin yang mewakili negeri Perak dalam kejohanan Majlis Sukan Sekolah Malaysia 2018. Soal selidik Sport Personality Questionnaire (SPQ20) digunakan bagi mengukur 20 dimensi kemahiran mental yang terdiri daripada empat domain utama iaitu pencapaian dan persaingan, keyakinan dan resilien, interaksi dan semangat kesukanan, serta kuasa dan keagresifan. SPQ20 juga menentukan kecenderungan atlet terhadap matrik kemahiran mental dan potensi kepimpinan. Analisis deskriptif adalah berdasarkan pendekatan sistem RAG (Red, Amber, Green) Traffic Light. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan keseluruhan domain kemahiran mental berada pada tahap kuning (sederhana). Berdasarkan matrik kemahiran mental, paling ramai atlet berada dalam golongan confident achiever (54.2%). Berdasarkan matrik potensi kepimpinan pula, paling ramai atlet berada dalam golongan demo.....

821 hits

The effectiveness of multilevel classification system for sport psychology (mcs-sp) model for athletes performance functional evaluation
Mohamad Khalid Nur Haziyanti, M. Shariff A. R., Ahmad Y.,
990 hits

Resilience in sports: a qualitative discussion on risk factors and protective factors among performance development (Pd) athletes
Nur Haziyanti Mohamad Khalid
Athletes who reach a developed performance level, faced various challenges and difficulties, but they are still able to remain resilient. This study was conducted to explore the aspects of resilience among athletes within Performance Development (PD) category. Focused group discussions using semi-structured interview based on Multilevel Classification System for Sport Psychology (MCS-SP) model were conducted on 20 Perak state athletes who were undergoing Malaysia Sports Game 2021 (SUKMA) preparation program. The results of the study found five themes related to risk factors faced by athletes in maintaining developing performance such as performance, change, behavior, psychology and interpersonal issues. The study suggested that acceptance and commitment as part of psychological protective factors that help athletes maintain resilience. The study also produced a model of resilience among PD athletes which can be used as a reference in sports training programs. Keywords: Resilience, Mu.....

813 hits

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