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Simplified search suggestions : Abdul Halim Ali
Penguasaan guru terhadap tatacara pengurusan displin sekolah : satu kajian kes
Fazlina Abdul Halim
Purpose of this case study is to explore the level of understanding of teachers in a secondary school in Gombak on the discipline management procedures based on the circulars issued out by the Ministry of Education starting from 1968 to 2010. Sampling for this study focuses on the procedure adapted for the enforcement of discipline by the four teachers who were directly involved in managing discipline in school. The study was done based on triangulation technique analysis of documents circulars relating to the management of discipline issued by the Ministry of Education, interviews, observation of the enforcement of disciplinary procedures and analysis of documents relating to the discipline management, and the finding was supported by the finding checklist of all teachers in the particular school. The findings revealed that only Head of Student’s Affairs who really mastered the contents of the circular relating to the discipline management. From the aspect of appropriateness of the .....

2822 hits

Komik-komik Halim Teh dalam konteks perkembangan tema, bentuk dan gaya
Razid Abdul Karim
A collection of Halim Teh's comics are studied from the 1950?s to the 1980?s. Halim Teh was chosen because he had been constantly producing comics for thirty years. The researcher thinks the comics that were produced were a valuable art assets worth a study. In his research, the researcher segmented Halim Teh's comics into 4 eras ; the 50?s, the 60?s, the 70?s and the 80?s. The reason for this segmentation is so that we can see how themes, forms and styles were Halim Teh?s preference in prolonging his comics. In this way, it is hoped that we can trace and see the era differences with the chosen theme, forms and styles. Nevertheless, with the chosen theme, there might be a similarity with other comic artists that were active during his time. Besides, the researcher will be able to choose several Halim Teh's comics for visual description through a variety of visual experiences. This approach is going through several stages, description, formal analysis, interpretation and evaluation. Tho.....

4435 hits

Tahap pemahaman kanak-kanak terhadap konsep bentuk dalam lukisan
Ahmad Sultan Majita, Masnan Abdul Halim, Rohaizad Noor Aizal Akmal, Salleh Mad Ithnin,
6348 hits

Sajak Pulang Si Tenggang dalam perspektif historisisme baru
Ali Abdul Halim,
Makalah ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis sajak "Pulang Si Tenggang" karya Muhammad Haji Salleh daripada perspektif teori Historisisme Baru yang dikemukakan Stephen Greenblatt. Teori Hisitorisime Baru menggagaskan rekonstruksi sejarah dan menawarkan idea tentang konsep sejarah terkini (present history). Walaupun idea teori lebih mementingkan aspek dan teks sejarah, naumn analisis terhadap sajak ini cuba memahami cara penyajak melakukan rekonstruksi cerita rakyat "Si Tenggang Derhaka" dengan menampilkan kisah diri penyajak sebagai anak Melayu yang merantau sekian lama di luar negara, kemudian pulang dengan semangat kemelayuan yang tidak berubah. Dalam konteks pemahaman makna sejarah terkini, sajak ini menampilkan konsep baru berkenaan "Si Tenggang" yang ada kemiripan kisah "Si Tenggang Derhaka". Penampilan konsep ini bertujuan mengenengahkan visi memartabatkan bangsa Melayu dengan ilmu dan pengalaman yang dibawa pulang daripada seluruh dunia...

1509 hits

A generalization of a Bezier-like curve
Ahmad Azhar, Amat Abdul Halim, M. Ali Jamaluddin,
A new generalization basis called A-Bezier was constructed for the space span 2 {1, , ,..., } n t t t by using systolic array. This basis was based on a Bezier-like cubic curve consisting of two shape parameters which gave more degrees of freedom used in constructing the desired free form spline and surfaces. By fixing the shape parameters to specific values, this basis could be reduced to Wang-Ball basis and could be generalized to the other Bezier-like curve such as Timmer PC curve. The results showed that such basis and curves shared some properties with the Bernstein basis and the Bezier curves in polynomial spaces respectively...

1544 hits

Penyair muda wanita Pahang: catatan biografiktif & antologi Khirul Bariah Arup
Ali Abdul Halim,
Nama-nama seperti Sahmad Malaya, Baharuddin Zakaria, Yassin Salleh, Arisel BA (Subari Ahmad), Maznan Nordin, M.Z Alias dan Aripin Said sudah tidak asing lagi dalam peta perpuisian Melayu moden di negeri Pahang dan negara amnya. Nama Sahmad Malaya sudah muncul sejak tahun 1950 dan terus terkenal hingga tahun 1970an, kemudian tenggelam timbul dalam tahun-tahun 1980an dan 1990an. Manakala M.Z. Alias Baharuddin Zakaria, Arisel BA dan Aripin Said pula menghiasi era 1970an, 80an dan 1990an. Dalam tahun 1980an, 90an hingga kini, Pahang sudah melahirkan tidak kurang dari sepuluh penyair baru yang berjaya mencapai tahap kematangan seperti Marsli N.O, Yazid Idris, Nazri Sham, Maimunah Ali, Ami Masra, Maimunah Manan dan ramai lagi. Tidak kurang pula penulis-penulis muda yang giat menulis seperti Sharulnizam Talib, Khairul Bariah Arup, Abdul Mutalib Ghani, Nor Arifin Ibrahim,Nor Afliza Arshad,Hasejati, Ramli Yahya dan Iain-lainnya...

1639 hits

Knowledge of linguistic cues among malay ELF students and teachers practices in the teaching of reading skills
Ibrahim Abdul Halim, Mohamed Nor Mariam,
The objectives of this study were to investigate the reading ability of Malay students at primary and secondary schools, and teachers‟ practices in the teaching of reading skills. Miller‟s (1995) Reading Assessment Techniques, which comprised six tests, were used to test word and parsing identification miscues and reading comprehension. The subjects were 1989 students and 360 teachers from both rural and urban schools in Perak and Terengganu. Findings show that the majority of students were able to recognize linguistic cues at the word level. However, they had poor recognition of phrases and clauses, thus facing difficulties in processing sentences, especially complex sentences and main ideas in discourse (Ibrahim, Mohamed Nor, Abu, & Atan, 2007). Hence, the majority of students (Year 5, Form 1, 2 and 4) were unable to read textbooks provided by the Malaysian Ministry of Education because of higher readability levels (Carrell, 2001; Nation & Deweerdt, 2001). These findings could be.....

1878 hits

Kesinambungan manifestasi rupa dan jiwa melayu dalam karya seni 3-Dimensi: dari perspektif seni halus
Husain Abdul Halim,
Penulisan ini adalah satu pemerhatian terhadap karya seni tampak Malaysia yang berbentuk 3-Dimensi. Ianya pemerhatian terhadap beberapa hasil karya kraf tradisi serta karya seni tampak kontemporer. Karya kontemporer berbentuk 3-Dimensi yang dipilih adalah berasaskan koleksi Balai Senilukis Negara manakala karya kraf tradisi pula adalah koleksi pameran ‘Rupa dan Jiwa’ oleh Tuan Syed Ahmad Jamal Ianya adalah satu penelitian terhadap teijemahan konsep rupa dan jiwa Melayu dalam karya seni tampak kontemporer berbentuk 3-Dimensi. Penelitian ini melihat kesinambungan kreativiti seniman tradisi dan seniman kontemporer dalam menghasilkan karya yang berasaskan konsep rupa dar jiwa Melayu. Permasalahan rupa dan jiwa dalam penghasilan karya seni tampak sememangnya menjadi isu perbincangan yang tidak berkesudahan. Walapun ianya dilihat hanya sebagai permasalahan dalam konteks orang-orang seni namun peranan dan kesedaran terhadap isu rupa dan jiwa adalah sejagat. Tambahan pula dalam konteks sek.....

926 hits

Intangibles disclosure and capital-raising in Australia : an analysis of information intensity
Abdul Halim Hazianti, Jaafar Hartini,
After the adoption of AASB 138 in 2005, it is argued that information on intangibles is less visible in Australian companies' financial reports. In view of this limitation, this study examines the nature, extent and intensity of intangibles disclosure by listed companies in Australia. We establish, explore and demonstrate the concept of information intensity which indicates the strength of intangibles information presented by firms. We analyse the narrative sections in annual reports and prospectuses of 30 companies from the Top 200 Australian companies. The overall findings suggest that capital-raising companies make intangibles information visible in both annual reports and prospectuses by signalling information through pictures and repetition of intangibles information which indicates more intense signal. However, we find that the level of disclosure in prospectuses is much lower than the disclosure in the narrative sections in the annual reports. We argue that disclosure in prospec.....

864 hits

Konsep estetika bersepadu: terapan dan analisis terhadap karya-karya puisi Ahmad Kamal Abdullah
Abdul Halim Ali
Konsep keindahan dalam kesusasteraan Melayu sering ditanggapi berasaskan kerangka pemikiran estetik Barat. Terdapat juga kerangka teori estetik Melayu seperti Puitika Sastera Melayu oleh Muhammad Haji Salleh dan Rasa-Fenomenologi oleh Sohaimi Abdul Aziz yang boleh digunakan untuk memahami konsep keindahan dalam kesusasteraan Melayu, namun, kedua-dua kerangka teori ini tidak mengambil Islam sebagai asas yang mendasari keindahan, sedangkan kajian terdahulu menunjukkan, bahawa teras utama kesusasteraan Melayu ialah Islam dan jati diri bangsa Melayu itu sendiri. Kajian ini dijalankan bertujuan untuk mengaplikasikan pendekatan Estetika Bersepadu dalam analisis puisi Ahmad Kamal Abdullah bagi memahami konsep keindahan bermakna dalam puisi Melayu moden. Untuk mencapai tujuan ini, dua objektif ditetapkan iaitu (1) membuktikan kesepaduan aspek stail (gaya bahasa kiasan dan pemikiran) dengan perutusan agama dan (2) mengenalpasti aspek-aspek kontekstual yang berkaitan secara langsung dengan stail.....

2707 hits

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