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Simplified search suggestions : Candraa Tadius Andi
Analysis of MSME strategies in responding to crisis A case study of MSME in Gunungkidul Regency
Candraa, Tadius Andi
In recent years, the occurrence of crises caused by natural disasters such as floods and landslides, and the COVID-19 pandemic have significantly disrupted the distribution of goods and services, posing immense challenges for micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs). Therefore, this study aims to find the best strategy for MSMEs to overcome the impact of the crisis. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method. The data was obtained from observations and interviews with 121 MSME players in Gunungkidul. This study applied the SWOT analysis to determine the best strategy for MSME, which was divided into two parts: External Factor Analysis Summary (EFAS) and Internal Factor Analysis Summary (IFAS). The results showed that the score for Strength was 2.15 and for Weaknesses was 0.7, indicating that internal factors for strengths are higher than weaknesses. The score for Opportunity was 1.85 and for Threats was 0.8, indicating that external factors for opportunities are higher than t.....

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