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Simplified search suggestions : Fazlina Abdul Halim
Penguasaan guru terhadap tatacara pengurusan displin sekolah : satu kajian kes
Fazlina Abdul Halim
Purpose of this case study is to explore the level of understanding of teachers in a secondary school in Gombak on the discipline management procedures based on the circulars issued out by the Ministry of Education starting from 1968 to 2010. Sampling for this study focuses on the procedure adapted for the enforcement of discipline by the four teachers who were directly involved in managing discipline in school. The study was done based on triangulation technique analysis of documents circulars relating to the management of discipline issued by the Ministry of Education, interviews, observation of the enforcement of disciplinary procedures and analysis of documents relating to the discipline management, and the finding was supported by the finding checklist of all teachers in the particular school. The findings revealed that only Head of Student’s Affairs who really mastered the contents of the circular relating to the discipline management. From the aspect of appropriateness of the .....

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