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Simplified search suggestions : Ilya Azliana Zulkifli
The effect of scaffolding techniques in writing report based on non linear texts
Ilya Azliana Zulkifli
The study examined whether the scaffolding techniques used in writing reports on non linear texts helped students. Students did not use appropriate trend words such as “going up” and “going down” instead of “increased” and “decreased”. The subjects of this study consisted of 56 form 6 students of a secondary school in the district of Tapah, Perak and they were randomly assigned to experimental and control groups. The experimental group was taught with the scaffolding techniques meanwhile the control group was taught with conventional teaching method. The instruments used in this study were questionnaires, pretest, posttest and semi-structured interviews. Descriptive analysis was used to analyze the data from the questionnaires. The questionnaires were carried out to find out how far the students were aware of the report text structures and the use of trend words in report writing. The results showed that 73.3% of the students were aware of the report text structures but.....

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