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Simplified search suggestions : Mahanan Mangai Solomon
AR module for learning changes of matter in chemistry
Mahanan, Mangai Solomon
Internal Visualization challenges concerning sub-microscopic particles in chemistry often result in some difficulties in learning the change of state of matter. Therefore, this study aims at developing an augmented reality ProCAR module that utilizes a project-based learning approach to facilitate learning changes of matter. This study employs ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation) instructional design model. The quality of the module was evaluated by a group of 5 Chemistry teacher-educator experts of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia to identify the suitability of the module. Inter-rater reliability (IRR) percentages were determined and the feedback was analyzed based on thematic analysis. The result shows that 100% of its learning objectives, Content, Usability, and Assessment and 75% of its performances were good and reliable all having IRR value 75% and above. Such revealed that AR Module is potentially effective for the teaching of phase change to Seconda.....

494 hits

Online Formative Assessment in Higher STEM Education; A Systematic Literature Review
Mahanan, Mangai Solomon
Online formative assessment in higher education Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) is gaining attention in recent years based on the increasing use of online learning. This study, aimed at critically reviewing studies on online formative assessment in Higher education STEM between 2011 to 2020. The study adopted a qualitative research design to analyze studies based on specific themes. 1402 articles were systematically searched through Scopus, web of science, and google scholar databases. However, only 12 studies were included in this study after satisfying the inclusion criteria. All data analyses were done using the Endnote X9 reference manager. The findings reveal that, evidence about online tools used, theories used in the learning and assessment process, the domain of learning outcome assessed, assessment of practical skills, and form of assessment used have been implicitly described. However, the online formative assessments have shown great potential of yieldi.....

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