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Simplified search suggestions : Mai Shihah Abdullah
Epidemiologi pensensitifan alergi makanan, inhalan dan produk apikultur terhadap darjah kesensitifan dari perspektif atopik dan persekitaran bagi penduduk di Tanjong Malim, Perak
Mai Shihah Abdullah
Epidemiological studies pensensitifan allergens allergic three groups consisting of food , inhalan and apiculture products was conducted among residents Tanjong Malim , Perak . A total of 2523 respondents , including 141 indigenous population ( 41.4 % male , 58.5 % female : 30.8 % of children , 69.2 % adults : 94.4 % of the population urban , rural 5.6% ) were interviewed and underwent skin prick test . A total of 633 complete data index of mother, father and siblings were used to Familial aggregation test model . Design ex post facto correlation using a questionnaire to obtain information from the self- reporting respondents . Questionnaires were divided into five groups with two ( familial and symptoms) represents a factor of atopic booster while three others ( settlements , style life and behavior ) represents an environment encouraging factors . Panel battery test containing 43 allergens ( 19 meals , 9 and 15 inhalan apiculture products ) used to test for allergic sensitivity respo.....

2234 hits

Pembelajaran berasaskan projek takrifan, teori dan perbandingannya dengan pembelajaran berasaskan masalah
Machmudi Isa Nitche Isa Medina, Abdullah Mai Shihah,
Selaras dengan ledakan pengetahuan berasaskan komputer dan teknologi pada abad ke-21, kaedah Pembelajaran Berasaskan Projek (PBP) atau Project Based Learning (PBL) telah diperkenalkan oleh Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia (KPM) pada tahun 2006. Pada awalnya, implementasi kaedah PBP telah dimulakan di sekolah-sekolah bestari perdana. Ini merupakan tinjauan literatur yang membincangkan takrifan dan teori yang digunapakai dalam kaedah PBP. Selain itu, perbandingan kaedah PBP dengan kaedah Pembelajaran Berasaskan Masalah (PBM) atau Problem Based Learning (PBL) turut dibincangkan memandangkan kedua-dua kaedah ini menggunakan akronim yang sama dalam hahasa Inggeris. Berdasarkan tinjauan literatur ini, didapati bahawa kaedah PBP mempunyai kelebihan dan kelemahan yang tersendiri, maka terpulang kepada budi bicara guru yang mengajar untuk mengaplikasikan kaedah ini dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran (P dan P) bersesuaian dengan kebolehan murid...

917 hits

The prevalence of allergic diseases in school children of metropolitan city in Indonesia shows a similar pattern to that of developed countries
Mai Shihah Abdullah
Background: The prevalence of allergy among Surabaya school children is currently unknown. Objective: To identify the prevalence of the common allergic sensitization and allergic diseases among school children and undergraduate students in suburban of Surabaya by epidemiologic data collection. Methods: A multistage simple random sampling was done to select 5 primary schools, 8 secondary schools (4 of junior high schools and senior high schools, respectively), and 1 university from 5 districts in Surabaya city. Out of 550 invited respondents, 499 (128 primary school, 221 secondary school, and 150 undergraduate) respondents gave their consent. A complete personal history, allergic symptoms, environmental exposure of common allergens was obtained from interview and the physical examinations were performed. Skin prick test (SPT) was done using 45 different allergen extracts. Total serum IgE and specific IgE radioallergosorbent test levels were measured for respondents with allergic manife.....

1018 hits

Protein profile of the most common fungi at Sultan Idris University, Malaysia
Mai Shihah Abdullah
Fungi are vital pathogens related to airway and deferent diseases. Exposure to fungi will have adverse effects on human health through severe immune responses. Allergic diseases like allergic rhinitis, asthma, airborne dermatitis, or allergic conjunctivitis. These diseases may well be aggravated by fungi al- lergens from the natural atmosphere or from the indoor environment in en- closed areas, workplaces and houses. Fungi allergy prevalence for the Malay- sian population has yet to be reported. Therefore, information on allergens of fungi species in Sultan Idris Education University (UPSI), Sultan Azlan Shah Campus will be used to profile the nation prevalence on fungi allergy. Hence, the present study is conducted at UPSI to identify the ten most common air- borne fungal species as a preliminary work prior to sensitization study on common fungal allergens. Dust was collected from 54 rooms situated within the 3 blocks at UPSI Sultan Azlan Shah Campus buildings using a vacuum cleaner. .....

719 hits

Identification of the Most Common Dust Fungi at Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Malaysia
Mai Shihah Abdullah
Fungi are eukaryotic organisms that live as saprophytes, parasites or symbionts in their plant or animal hosts. Despite extensive research on the involvement of fungal allergens in the pathophysiology of allergic diseases, studies on fungi as a prominent source of allergens are still lacking in basic research and clinical practice. Hence, this study was conducted to identify ten common airborne fungal species as a preliminary work prior to conducting a sensitisation study on common fungal allergens. Fifty-four dust samples were collected from offices, laboratories lecturers’ rooms that are situated within three blocks of the Sultan Azlan Shah Campus, UPSI, Tanjong Malim, Perak, Malaysia by using a vacuum cleaner. The sieved dust was cultured with potato dextrose agar media, incubated at room temperature to propagate pure cultures and sent to the Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute for identification viapolymerase chain reaction. The most common species found in .....

727 hits

Motor skills competency by gender among primary school students using gardenBased learning module
Mai Shihah Abdullah
Majority of schools in Malaysia make garden as the vibrant landscape. But it has yet to function as laboratories for teaching and learning outside the classroom. This study with quantitative design was conducted to examine the mastery of motor skills according to gender using garden-based learning modules (GBL). A total of 14 samples were selected from Year 2 students at Sekolah Kebangsaan Behrang Ulu, Tanjung Malim, Perak. The instruments administered is self-developed GBL module consists of three activities written according to the learning standards. A pilot test was carried out and the study showed the reliability coefficient Cronbach alpha = 0.73. Data was collected using a checklist done by each activity through experiment and analyzed using descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation) and inferential statistical correlation. The scores for male and male were (mean=9.286, SD= 1.799) and (mean =3.429, SD =2.637) respectively. All the three activities showed an increase (me.....

619 hits

Aeroallergen sensitizations with special reference to fungi sensitization among the community of Sultan Idris Education University, Malaysia
Mai Shihah Abdullah
The present study is aimed to profile the prevalence and determine the risk of aeroallergen sensitization including fungi on gender, ethnicity, and age groups. 225 of the university community population were interviewed using a standard questionnaire by allergists to collect information on demographic including gender, ethnicity, and age. To confirm the prevalence of the aeroallergens sensitization, the gold standard procedure, i.e. skin prick testing was performed using commercial aeroallergens. Of the subjects, 93 (41.3%) were categorised as atopic. The most prevalent positive SPT among the general and the atopic population were house dust mites, (32.4%; 78.5%), followed by German cockroach (20%; 48.3%), fungal (7.55%; 18.2%), and cat dander (4.8%; 11.8%) respectively. The prevalence of fungi sensitization among the atopic population is doubled to the general population and considerably high compared to the World Allergy report. Among the 17 fungal sensitized subjects, 9 (52.9%) were.....

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