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Simplified search suggestions : Mazuki Mohd Yasim
The impacts of outdoor education toward group cohesion and outdoor education attitude among student from IPGM, Kampus Temenggung Ibrahim, Johor
Mazuki Mohd Yasim
The purpose of this study was to examine the impacts of outdoor education toward group cohesion and outdoor education attitude. The samples in the study were students from Department of Physical Education, Institut Pendidikan Guru Malaysia, Kampus Temenggung Ibrahim, Johor Bahru, Johor. Sixty three (n=63) students participated with 32 serve as experimental group and 31 served as control group. The duration of the programme four days and three nights with both control and experimental group experience the same programme except team building activities which serve as a treatment for experimental group. This study seeks to explore the effects of outdoor education camp and sociodemographic variables (age, gender, place of living, and previous outdoor experience) on group cohesion and outdoor education attitudes. Group Environmental Questionnaire (GEQ) and Outdoor Education Attitude Inventory (OEAI) were used to gather quantitative data from pre and post-tests. Results from the present stud.....

1448 hits

Outdoor education camp and group cohesion: an investigation in the Teacher Education Institute of Malaysia
Mazuki Mohd Yasim
The study seeks to investigate the effect of outdoor education camp toward group cohesion among second year undergraduate teacher trainees from selected Teacher Education Institutes of Malaysia. A pre-test and post-test approach with non-equivalent control group was utilised among 350 second year undergraduate teacher trainees from four selected campuses. A modified version of Group Environment Questionnaire (GEQ) was used to gather data from pre-test and post-test. Results from MANCOVA procedures suggested that the camp had positively improved the group cohesion aspects of the experimental group with significant gain in ATG-T, ATG-S, GI-T and GI-S. Furthermore, results also highlight the improvement of group outcome aspects (GI-T and GI-S) which surpassed individual aspects (ATG-T and ATG-S). Overall, the results of this study showed that outdoor education improves teacher trainees' group cohesion...

305 hits

Effects of ourdoor education on group cohesion among second year undergraduate teacher trainees from selected teacher education institutes in Malaysia
Mazuki Mohd Yasim
Ahmad,  KB.  (2002) An Overview of Architecture Education  in the Contemporary  Muslim World.  In:  Petruccioli, A  & Pirani,  KK,   2002. Understanding  Islamic Architecture,  Oxon: RutledgeCurzon,  pp. 129-132.   Akib,   M.S.,Yaacob,   A,Jusoh,W.J.And   Ibrahim,S .(2000)  Muzium-muzium   di   Kelantan.  Malaysia. Perbadanan Muzium Negeri Kelantan.   Andaya,  L.Y.(2001)  The  Search  for  the  ' Origins '  of  Melayu.  Journal  of  Southeast  Asian  Studiest, 32(3), 315-330   Antrop,  M.  (2004)    Rural-urban  Conflicts  and  Opportunities.    The  Dimensions  of  the  European Landscape, 83-91   Antrop,  M.  (2005)  Why  landscapes  of  the  past  are  important  for  the  future.  Landscape  Urban Planning. 70 (l-2), 21-34   Ardalan,  N.(2002)  "Simultaneous  Perplexi ty":  The  Paradise  Garden  as  the  Quintessential  Visual  Paradigm  of Islamic  Architecture  and  Beyond .  I.....

1441 hits

Does outdoor education effective on team cohesion?
Mazuki Mohd Yasim
Many investigations have explored the benefits of outdoor education, with numerous researchers finding positive benefits for participants. The literatures suggest positive results in team performance in such training in outdoor program, but with inconclusive finding of quantitative and qualitative data gathered. This paper focuses on the qualitative methods used to examine the effect of outdoor education camp on group cohesion based on previous experience of the three categories of participants. The qualitative nature of this study reveals insights into effect of outdoor education through its focus on emerging themes and patterns that developed over time. Methods used was structured interviews with ex-outdoor education student (n=2), service provider in outdoor education (n=2) and private sector (n=2). Six interviews were conducted and results found that six components which cohesion, natural environment, activity, style of the program, personal and social development, and escapism hav.....

86 hits

Persepsi atlet murid terhadap tingkah laku kepimpinan jurulatih di Sekolah Sukan Malaysia Terengganu
Mazuki Mohd Yasim
Tujuan kajian ini dijalankan adalah untuk mengenal pasti persepsi atlet murid terhadap tingkah laku kepimpinan jurulatih di Sekolah Sukan Malaysia Terengganu. Responden kajian terdiri daripada enam (6) orang atlet murid dari Sekolah Sukan Malaysia Terengganu, Kuala Nerus, Terengganu telah bersetuju untuk ditemu bual. Daripada jumlah enam (6) orang responden, lima (5) orang merupakan atlet murid lelaki dan seorang atlet murid perempuan. Empat (4) jenis sukan terlibat dalam kajian ini iaitu, tiga (3) orang atlet murid daripada sukan olahraga, seorang atlet murid lelaki daripada sukan basikal, seorang lelaki daripada sukan sepak takraw dan seorang atlet murid perempuan daripada sukan angkat berat. Empat (4) tema utama telah diperolehi daripada hasil analisis iaitu tingkah laku maklum balas positif, tingkah laku latihan dan arahan, tingkah laku sokongan sosial dan tingkah laku autokraktik. Dimensi tingkah laku maklum balas positif merupakan faktor utama persepsi atlet murid terhadap kepimp.....

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