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Total records found : 3 |
Simplified search suggestions : Mohamad Marzuqi Abdul Rahim |
1 | 2017 article | Pendekatan pengajaran dalam kalangan pensyarah tahfiz al-Quran di Malaysia Abdul Rahim Mohamad Marzuqi, Hashim Azmil, 908 hits |
2 | 2023 article | Analisis faktor pembelajaran Hifz Al-Quran terhadap amalan Tahriri Al-Quran Mohamad Marzuqi Abdul Rahim Kajian ini dijalankan untuk menganalisis amalan pembelajaran penulisan tahriri al-Quran serta faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi amalan tersebut. Seramai 176 orang pelajar sekolah menengah aliran Kurikulum Bersepadu Tahfiz (KBT) di seluruh Malaysia terlibat sebagai sampel yang dipilih secara rawak. Kajian tinjauan ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Satu set soal selidik telah digubal dengan mengambil kira amalan pembelajaran tahriri al-Quran dan faktor pengetahuan asas tahriri, faktor latihan dan bimbingan, faktor peruntukan dan pengurusan masa serta faktor soalan ujian dan peperiksaan. Data yang diperoleh kemudian dianalis secara deskriptif dan inferensi. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan amalan pembelajaran tahriri al-Quran berada pada tahap yang sederhana iaitu (min: 3.68, s.p: 0.54). Dapatan turut menunjukkan hanya faktor pengetahuan menunjukkan skor yang tinggi iaitu (min: 4.26, s.p:0.59). Analisis korelasi pula menunjukkan semua empat faktor yang dikaji mempunyai hubungan yang signifi..... 34 hits |
3 | 2021 article | The role of instructors in students attitude towards online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic: a case of tahfiz students Mohamad Marzuqi Abdul Rahim Purpose: The study aims to examine the role of instructors with regards to the attitude of tahfiz students towards online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Design/methodology/approach: Data was obtained through an online questionnaire survey to gain tahfiz students’ perception on instructors’ roles and their attitude towards online learning. There were 109 responses received from tahfiz students in Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN).
Findings: Microsoft Teams and Moodle are the most often utilised modes for teaching and learning and for tasmi’, whereas WhatsApp is the most favourable mode. The findings show that instructor’s enthusiasm is associated with the tahfiz students' attitudes towards online learning.
Research limitations/implications: This study provides implications for governments, higher education institutions (HEIs), and instructors in the process of implementing online learning, as well as helps to improve the role of instructors with regards to tahfiz..... 582 hits |