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Simplified search suggestions : Mohammad Taufiq Abdul Ghani |
1 | 2019 article | The effectiveness of E-AlMunawwar as an interactive tool for learning Arabic Language in Universiti Malaysia Kelantan Mohammad Taufiq Abdul Ghani The advancement of technology has undoubtedly brought rapid changes and catalysed developments in different aspects of human life, including education.Technological advances have led to the diversification of teaching and learning tools as well as educational materials which allows learning to take place in a borderless world of shared resources. This resulted in significant changes in the roles of educators and practitioners in the classroom. Thus, exciting transformations in education should be embraced and further explored, especially in language teaching and learning because language is an essential part of communication. Language has also become an important requirement for employment and is deemed as a key success factor in life. In this light, this paper aims to explore the effectiveness of e-Al-Munawwar website as a cybergogical tool to support the teaching & learning of Arabic language and improving students’ proficiency. To measure the effective use of these tools, this stu..... 8815 hits |
2 | 2019 article | A questionnaire-based approach on technology acceptance model for mobile digital game-based learning Mohammad Taufiq Abdul Ghani There is an ongoing debate among researchers and education on whether traditional teaching methods is still relevant in this era. It is argued that such methods do not gauge students’ interest towards learning and consequently create low quality of learning and negative trends. In this regard, researchers have advocated the use of digital games as an effective medium for learning. It is also argued that the use of digital games can positively influence the learner’s motivation and help facilitate early intervention. In this study, we used elements in the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to investigate the users’ acceptance towards the use of mobile digital games for learning Arabic language in the context of higher education. The quantitative approach based on the Technology Acceptance Model questionnaire was used as this study’s primary research methodology. The exanimation focused on four related constructs, Perceived of Usefulness (PU), Perceived Ease of Use (PE), Behaviour..... 9794 hits |
3 | 2019 article | The conceptual framework for learning Arabic vocabulary through educational digital game Mohammad Taufiq Abdul Ghani An effective teacher knows the form of technology that can be used in the classroom to help improve their students’ learning. They know what the best tools are, and how and when to use them. Digital game-based learning is a recommended approach which transforms the process of teaching and learning to be more interesting, effective and fun. It has the ability to encourage learners to embrace the challenges and not afraid of failure, create cooperative learning, develop personal responsibility and motivation to succeed. Therefore, this paper attempts to propose an instructional model to develop an educational mobile game application. In order to differentiate between edutainment and entertainment, the educational element must be integrated during the development of the educational game, hence, this paper describes the important requirement for developing the educational mobile game application for a course. This paper briefly describes the proposed model which consists of three parts; ..... 7544 hits |
4 | 2018 article | Bahasa Arab untuk pendidikan awal kanak-kanak: satu kajian analisis keperluan Mohammad Taufiq Abdul Ghani Pembelajaran bahasa penting untuk pendidikan awal kanak-kanak di negara yang pelbagai budaya seperti Malaysia. Justeru, guru prasekolah memainkan peranan penting dalam melaksanakan pendidikan pembelajaran bahasa di dalam kelas. Pembelajaran bahasa, khususnya bahasa Arab telah mendapat perhatian dalam kalangan pendidik pada masa kini. Oleh itu, penyelidikan ini menerangkan keperluan dan kepentingan bahasa Arab dalam bidang pendidikan awal kanak-kanak. Soal selidik telah digunakan sebagai instrumen untuk mengumpul data. Borang Soal selidik tertutup telah diedarkan kepada 80 orang pelajar yang mengikuti kursus diploma dalam pendidikan awal kanak-kanak di Kolej Poly-Tech MARA (KPTM), Kota Bharu, Kelantan manakala boring soal selidik terbuka telah diedarkan kepada tujuh (7) orang guru prasekolah di Kota Bharu untuk meneroka kepentingan bahasa Arab dalam kalangan pendidik kanak-kanak. Analisis kuantitatif deskriptif digunakan untuk menganalisis data melalui penggunaan perisian statistik IBM ..... 779 hits |
5 | 2019 article | Penerimaan pelajar kursus bahasa Arab di Universiti Malaysia Kelantan terhadap pembelajaran teradun berteraskan Model Penerimaan Teknologi (TAM) Mohammad Taufiq Abdul Ghani Pembelajaran teradun merupakan satu pengintegrasian pendekatan bersemuka dan menggunakan teknologi. Pendekatan ini masih belum meluas digunakan dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran bahasa Arab. Oleh yang demikian, kajian ini betujuan untuk mengenal pasti tahap penerimaan pembelajaran teradun kursus Bahasa Arab dalam kalangan pelajar Sarjana Muda di Universiti Malaysia Kelantan berteraskan model penerimaan teknologi (TAM). Satu set soal selidik telah diedarkan kepada 120 orang pelajar yang mendaftar kursus bahasa Arab telah dipilih secara rawak untuk mengambil bahagian di dalam kajian tinjauan ini. Data berbentuk kuantitatif dianalisis secara deskriptif dengan menggunakan perisian IBM SPSS Statistic 24. Hasil dapatan menunjukkan pendekatan pembelajaran teradun memberi kesan yang positif kepada proses pembelajaran pelajar. Pelajar juga mendapat manfaat daripada pembelajaran teradun ini dan mahukan pendekatan ini dijalankan sepanjang semester berjalan... 1690 hits |
6 | 2019 article | Providing a digital game-based learning for non-native Arabic speakers: a need analysis study for the development of mobile application digital game Mohammad Taufiq Abdul Ghani Present studies have advocated the role of digital games in significantly enhance students’ learning. In this regard, this paper examines the needs of digital mobile games in the development of Arabic language learning application. The data were collected using a need analysis questionnaire administrated to 123 students enrolled in elementary Arabic language courses in three universities, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, and International Islamic University Malaysia. The IBM SPSS Statistics 24 software was used to conduct descriptive quantitative analyses of the data collected. The results indicate that the digital game is an interactive tool which could create an exciting learning environment. The students highly agree on the use of digital games in the classroom and allow students to have fun and develop their creativity through digital game-based learning. Therefore, this paper reports the findings of the need analysis stage, regarding the use mobi..... 1464 hits |
7 | 2019 article | Arabic for specific purposes in Malaysia: a literature review Mohammad Taufiq Abdul Ghani Many universities have introduced Arabic language for specific purpose courses in order to help learners master the terminologies and language patterns used in specific fields. This paper reviews the rising popularity of learning Arabic for specific purposes among Malaysian students in view of more contemporary needs than decades ago when the Arabic language is learnt mainly for religious purposes. The qualitative approach has been adopted in conducting this literature review. This review provides input to help create a module for teaching Arabic for specific purposes. This study has a significant contribution to the field of Arabic teaching in Malaysia as it informs practitioners and researchers on how to improve the effectiveness of Arabic for specific purpose courses to help students gain academic and career advantages in the long run... 1289 hits |
8 | 2019 article | Pembinaan Ayat Bahasa Arab dalam Kalangan Pelajar Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI) Mohammad Taufiq Abdul Ghani Kelemahan pelajar menguasai bahasa Arab sering menjadi perdebatan dalam kalangan pendidik dan penyelidik walaupun bahasa Arab di Malaysia sudah mengalami beberapa proses penambahbaikan. Masalah ini bukan sahaja berlaku di peringkat sekolah, malah ia berlanjutan dalam kalangan pelajar institusi pengajian tinggi. Tahap pemahaman struktur ayat bahasa Arab yang rendah memberi kesan terhadap penguasaan bahasa Arab itu sendiri. Oleh yang demikian, kajian ini betujuan untuk mengenal pasti masalah pembinaan ayat bahasa arab serta aspek kesalahan yang sering dilakukan oleh pelajar bahasa Arab di Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris. Satu set soal selidik yang mengandungi dua bahagian telah diedarkan kepada 164 orang pelajar bahasa Arab yang telah dipilih secara rawak mudah untuk mengambil bahagian di dalam kajian tinjauan ini. Hasil dapatan yang berbentuk kuantitatif dianalisis secara deskriptif dengan menggunakan perisian IBM SPSS Statistic 24. Hasil dapatan menunjukkan pembinaan ayat bahasa Ara..... 3450 hits |
9 | 2019 article | E-Mufradat: a digital game application for learning Arabic vocabulary among non-native Arabic speakers Mohammad Taufiq Abdul Ghani A good educational digital game should be error free and engaging to ensure it can increase students’ learning motivation. While there is an abundant of educational digital games available in the market, many seem to not fulfil players’ need and some contain technical or content errors, which will defy their purpose as education games. Thus, this study aims to validate eMufradat which is an educational digital-game application for learning Arabic vocabulary. This study is a qualitative study and the data were collected through semi-structured interviews with nine experts in instructional design and technology and Arabic as a second language. The subject matter experts were selected purposively from various universities in Malaysia. The finding indicates that e-Mufradat is aligned with multimedia learning theory and embedded digital game-based learning principles. .. 966 hits |
10 | 2019 article | Reducing speaking anxiety through short movie assignment Mohammad Taufiq Abdul Ghani Understanding a language and being able to speak one confidently are two entirely different aspects in second language acquisition. Most students struggle with the latter due to lack of good speaking skills. There are many possible reasons that could hinder students from acquiring this particular skill, and one of it is speaking anxiety. It is common for second language learners to feel anxious when speaking especially when they are the focus of attention and also in front of large crowds. First semester foundation students of Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS are required to take the Proficiency English course whereby one of the assignments is a short movie presentation. This assignment focuses largely on speaking and teamwork. The purpose of this study is to investigate possible reasons behind students’ speaking anxiety and the effectiveness of the short movie assignment in reducing it. This study involves 150 students of Centre for Foundation Studies (CFS) Universiti Teknologi PETRONA..... 804 hits |
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