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Simplified search suggestions : Mohd Hafiz Md Hanif
Bibliometric Analysis and Visualization of Academic Procrastination
Mohd Hafiz Md Hanif
Numerous students suffer from academic procrastination; it is a common problem and phenomenon in academic settings. Many previous researchers have analyzed its relationships with other factors, such as self-regulation and academic success. This paper aims to provide a full outline of academic procrastination and explore the current hot spots and trends. Bibliometrix and VOSviewer were used to conduct quantitative analysis. The data was collected from the Web of Science core collection database, which contains 1,240 articles from the years 1938 to 2021. The analysis shows that the publication of articles on academic procrastination has been rapidly increasing since 1993. In terms of the most influential countries and institutions, the United states took a prominent lead among all countries, and the most productive institutions in this area were the University of Washington and University of California, Los Angeles. By analyzing the authors, we see that most authors like working with a f.....

1112 hits

Emerging trends of self-regulated learning: a comprehensive bibliometric analysis
Mohd Hafiz Md Hanif
Barry J Zimmerman considered that self-regulated learning is an active learning process including strategy use, metacognition, and motivation. Self-regulation failure is the core problem of academic procrastination, which seriously threatens academic success. The present research aims to provide a complete outline of SRL and catch the trends and current hotspots. VOSviewer and Bibliometric software was used to analyze the data from the Web of Science core collection database. The results showed that there are a considerable number of publications of articles on self-regulated learning every year; the USA is the most influential country, and Maastricht University is the most productive institution; it is clear that most authors do not like to cooperate with others, which leads to major groups of writers like Azevedo Roger and Gasevic Dragan. The Frontiers in Psychology is an influential journal that received much more articles and citations. The main hotspots of self-regulated learning .....

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