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Simplified search suggestions : Mohd Ridhuan Mohd Jamil
Digital pedagogy policy in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in Malaysia: fuzzy delphi approach
Mohd Ridhuan Mohd Jamil
Digital platforms are one of the technology adoption that is beginning to be used in most vocational colleges today. Services provided through digital platforms are an alternative to conventional methods. However, the use of digital platforms nowadays, among users consisting of vocational college students in Malaysia is still at a less than satisfactory level. Previous studies also focused a lot on the use and acceptance of technology platforms among users in schools only but not in vocational colleges (VC). The aim of the research is to determine the experts consensus on the objective of the digital pedagogy policy for Technical Education and Vocational Training (TVET) students especially in vocational colleges which is currently under development. Vocational colleges is one of the Technical Education and Vocational Training (TVET) institutions in Malaysia that offers certificate level and skill diploma education to high school students. Therefore, it is important to identify the poli.....

111 hits

The design and development of a learning strategy to enhance students engagement in simultaneous equations: an evaluation viewpoint
Mohd Ridhuan Mohd Jamil
In the 21st century, teaching and learning mathematics courses witness significant expansion and development of technology use, which creates a shift from teacher-centred to student-centred learning engagement. Student engagement (SE) faces many challenges of poor performance and student difficulty in solving simultaneous equations involving indices (SEII), among others. This paper presents an evaluation viewpoint of the learning strategy (LS) with cooperative learning strategy (CLS) and GeoGebra (GG) integration to support SE in SEII. The LS employs the think-pair-share approach and the six (6) principles of learning phases associated with constructivism ideology. The discussion of the preliminary mathematical achievement test (MAT-test) from pre-and post-tests with 41 students who have learned SEII using the developed LS is also presented. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with three experienced lecturers to provide feedback and recommendations on interacting with LS. The the.....

80 hits

Kesejahteraan emosi murid berkeperluan pendidikan khas pasca covid-19
Mohd Ridhuan Mohd Jamil
Konsep kesejahteraan merangkumi pelbagai dimensi, termasuk aspek mental/psikologi, fizikal, dan sosial. Salah satu dimensi kesejahteraan iaitu kesejahteraan emosi yang menerangkan konsep psikologi berkaitan dengan kepuasan hidup, tujuan, dan emosi positif. Dimensi kesejahteraan emosi ini amat kritikal terutamanya bagi murid berkeperluan pendidikan khas pasca Covid-19. Kajian ini merupakan kajian kualitatif menggunakan kaedah tinjauan literatur dengan merujuk bahan daripada sumber ilmiah. Objektif kajian berfokus kepada; (i) mengenal pasti perkaitan antara kesejahteraan emosi dan murid berkeperluan pendidikan khas, (ii) mengenal pasti isu kesejahteraan emosi bagi murid berkeperluan pendidikan khas pasca Covid-19. Hasil analisis mencadangkan keperluan terhadap panduan dalam menguruskan kesejahteraan emosi bagi murid berkeperluan pendidikan khas pasca Covid-19 bagi membantu guru dan murid menangani isu ini. Kata kunci: kesejahteraan emosi, murid berkeperluan pendidikan khas, pasca Covid-.....

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