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Simplified search suggestions : Mohd Zulkifli Mat Salleh
Apresiasi seni catan mural: satu kajian kes di Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Badak, Bachok, Kelantan
Mohd Zulkifli Mat Salleh
This reasearch is done with the aim to study mural art progress at Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Badak. Early observation, researcher found a gap that compelled the researcher to administer a study investigating possible effect on mural painting and students' appreciation of visual art. Further reading on the topic revealed that experience is one of educating process. Mural painting at school provides a visual experience for the students. This study examines how far mural painting at school help to improve visual art curriculum. 39 students, a teacher, and a school admistrator involve in this study. Researcher interviewed 5 from 1 to form 5 students. The interview sessions were held in front of mural painting in order to see students' ability to interact with art work. An experiment is conducted during art lesson with 34 form six students. Appreciation of art helps students gain knowledge on visual art and develop skills on describing, analyzing, interpretation, and assesing art. This st.....

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