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Simplified search suggestions : Muhamad Ikhwan Mat Saad
Analisis ciri-ciri Pembelajaran Kawalan Kendiri (PKK) pelajar Sains tingkatan empat daripada aspek motivasi dan strategi pembelajaran berasaskan profil demografi
Muhamad Ikhwan Mat Saad
This Self-Regulated Learning research was conducted to profile and analyze motivational aspects and learning strategies of science students in Malaysia. An improved instrument in Bahasa Melayu called The Motivation Strategies of Learning Questionnaire-Revised or ‘MSLQ-R’ was developed for this purpose. This instrument was adapted from Motivation Strategies of Learning Questionnaire ‘MSLQ’ developed by Pintrich et al., (1991). The Cronbach alpha values for the first pilot study were 0.817 for motivation and 0.922 for the learning strategies. In the second pilot study the aspect of motivation had a value of 0.894 the while learning strategies was 0.927. Both pilot studies revealed a high internal reliability of the instrument. The findings showed that the mean score of motivation (5.34) is higher than the mean score for the learning strategies (4.55). A multiple regresion test conducted on the hyphotesis showed that the two dimensions, namely motivation (β=0.21, T=4.15, p < 0.00.....

7078 hits

Factors affecting reasoning skills on socio scientific issues (SSI)
Muhamad Ikhwan Mat Saad
Socio Scientific Issues (SSI) is one of the strategies used in teaching and learning to discuss particular current issues that related to health, environment, medicine and genetic engineering as frequently reported in the mass media. This strategy used in teaching and learning to approach students in understanding and empowering the science concept. The purpose of this study is to develop a model based on SSI in measuring and assessing the cause effect relationship of the identified variables for the proposed model of reasoning skills among the science students. The method used in this research is a quantitative study with survey approach that will measure the model fit. A total of 500 respondents form four students in biology classes around four zones in Malaysia responded to four variables in the questionnaire (content acquisition, epistemology scientific belief, adhered moral and ethics and reasoning skills). Data was analyses by using SPSS and Analysis of Moment Structure (AMOS) 21.....

448 hits

Scientific reasoning skills based on socio-scientific issues in the Biology subject
Muhamad Ikhwan Mat Saad
Learning strategies using Socio-Scientific Issues (SSI) are approaches that will meet the characteristics of 21st Century Skills (K-21) and upgrade the Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS). One of the reasons of the unfavorable TIMMS and PISA results in Malaysia because students’ incompetent to answer science reasoning question based on scientific issues that occur in their daily lives. SSI is a dimension that is used in the assessment of the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMMS) and Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) which consists of the issue of the environment, medicine, health and genetic engineering. The purpose of this study is to assess the scientific reasoning level of Form Four science students in the biology subject based on SSI. Quantitative approaches surveys have been used in this study. The SSI instruments used were adapted. Total of 450 Form Four science students are samples used in this study. Findings revealed the needs of stu.....

506 hits

The study of used socio-scientific issues (SSI) in Biology
Muhamad Ikhwan Mat Saad
Using socio-scientific issues (SSI) in science lesson especially biology is an approach for students to understand and empower the science concept. Students are given the opportunity to argue the issues and will improve the process of reasoning. Using this approach indirectly can create awareness of ethics and problem solving to students. From the literature review hopefully can develop reasoning skills model based on SSI. Structural Equation Model (SEM) approach is used for measure and identify the variables that contribute students’ reasoning skills. From trends of literature reviews, three independents variables were identified, Content Acquisition, Epistemology Science Belief, Adhered values and ethics towards Reasoning Skills as a dependent variable. Hoped this study will help to improve the empowering of science concepts and Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS). In another hand, it also can produce a holistic students and increase creative and critical thinking skill while using.....

522 hits

Adventure based learning module: content validity and reliability process
Setambah Mohd Afifi Bahurudin, Mohd Tajudin Nor’ain, Adnan Mazlini, Mat Saad Muhamad Ikhwan,
2162 hits

Adventure based learning module in statistics: development and impact on students achievement, critical thinking and leaderships skills
Setambah Mohd Afifi Bahurudin, Mohd Tajudin Nor’ain, Adnan Mazlini, Mat Saad Muhamad Ikhwan,
1845 hits

Pembangunan model penaakulan saintifik pelajar sains berdasarkan isu sosio saintifik
Muhamad Ikhwan Mat Saad
Objektif  kajian  ini  ialah  untuk  membangunkan  model  penaakulan  saintifik  pelajar sains  berasaskan faktor Pengetahuan Isi Kandungan (PIK), Kepercayaan Epistemologi Saintifik  (KES),   pelekatan  Nilai  Etika  (NE),  Teknologi  Maklumat  (TM)  terhadap Penaakulan   Saintifik   (PS)    berdasarkan   Isu   Sosio   Saintifik   (ISS)   menggunakan Analysis  of  Moment  Structure  (AMOS)   dan  Statistical  Package  for  the  Social Sciences (SPSS). Reka bentuk penyelidikan kuantitatif  dipilih untuk menjawab empat persoalan   kajian   dan   13   hipotesis.   Lima   set   instrumen    telah   digunakan   untuk mengukur  PIK,  KES,  NE,  TM  dan  PS.  Seramai  450  orang  pelajar   sains  tingkatan empat  dipilih  menjadi  responden  menggunakan  teknik  pensampelan  rawak   berlapis dua  peringkat.  Terdapat  dua  peringkat  pada  analisis  model  ini.  Peringkat   pertama, a.....

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