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Simplified search suggestions : Nuzsep Almigo
Kesan modul adventure based counseling terhadap kepuasan kerja, iltizam kerja, dan kecenderungan berhenti kerja dalam kalangan kakitangan Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
Nuzsep Almigo
Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk menentukan keberkesanan modul adventure based counseling (ABC) terhadap tiga atribut kepuasan kerja, iltizam kerja dan kecenderungan berhenti  kerja dalam kalangan kakitangan Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris. Kajian ini mengikut reka bentuk  2x3 mixed design experiment. Sampel kajian yang terdiri dari dua kumpulan iaitu kumpulan eksperimen  (n=20) dan kumpulan kawalan (n=20) yang ditentukan melalui pra ujian yang mendapat ciri dua  kumpulan yang homogenus. Kumpulan eksperimen dibekalkan dengan modul adventure based counseling  serta  intervensi dengan  bantuan oleh  fasilitator yang bertumpukan aktiviti/simulasi berdasarkan  pengalaman secara langsung melalui proses refleksi. Kumpulan kawalan dibekalkan juga modul  adventure based yang sama, tetapi tidak diberikan intervensi oleh fasilitator. Tiga instrumen yang  digunakan dalam kajian ini, iaitu: pertama, instrumen kepuasan kerja (pekerjaan itu sendiri,  peluang promosi, gaji, pen.....

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The effect of adventure-based counseling modules on self-efficacy of College Students Council (CSC) in Sultan Idris Education University
Nuzsep Almigo
The purpose of this study is to find out the effect of adventure-based counseling modules on the self-efficacy of the College Students Council (CSC).  Self-efficacy is the feeling, confidence, perception, and belief in the ability to cope with a particular situation that will influence the way an individual change it condition. Besides, Self-efficacy is measured by the test validity and reliability as well as its effectiveness is evaluated through a research instrument self-efficacy questionnaire consisting of four main factors, namely cognitive, affective, motivational, and selective. Adventure-based counseling is a module-based training in the form of game simulations made based on real-life situations on our daily life and given reflection after performing simulation activities, which is the method of treatment to the study sample. The study design was a one-group pretest-posttest design involving. The results show that there is an effect of taking the adventure-based module on th.....

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